[12] Terrific Encounter

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"I'll be there shortly, (Y/n)."

Once Zhongli arrived down, you begin to take a look around Liyue Harbor. It's time to stride around the stores.

Your friends sends him suspicious looks minus Venti, who seems mildly bothered, but for different reasons.

Of course, how could they relax when they've quite literally witness him interact with the Harbinger?

"Alright, we'll be needing some items for the Rite, right?" You say, holding the bag of mora Childe gave you.

"Indeed, we will request for the adventurer's services for it." Zhongli adds.

"You're really going to make the traveler pay for all the expenses huh?" Venti places his hands on his hips.

You chuckle. "Heh, don't worry Venti, I've gotten used to Mr. Zhongli's spending habits. But it is kinda tiring to look after his expenses."

"Exactly, why do you have to be the responsible one looking after his spending?" He pouts playfully. "How could you let him mooch off of you?"

Zhongli crosses his arms. "If I recall correctly, her money came from the Fatui Harbinger. Meaning she hasn't spent money yet."

"Yet." Venti emphasizes. "He's sucking you off of money (Y/n), this is quite a big deal!"

You sigh. "Venti, it's not a big deal."

"It is!" He let out a frustrated exclaim. "I'm your first best friend (Y/n), and you placed your mora and trust in another man you don't know. I'm quite hurt, you know?" he had light teasing tone.

"'My first best friend'? That's Paimon." You reply.

"I'm your hottest friend!"

"That's Kaeya." you earn a grin from him.

"I'm your most responsible best friend!!"

"..." You raise your brows, glancing at the red-head.


"I'm your friend!" He pleads aggressively, making emphasized gestures.

"Alright, enough Venti." You say before holding out your own bag of mora. "We're going to shop downtown right now as my apology, I'll pay for everything you guys buy, clear?"

"Woah really? Hooray! You're the best, (Y/n). I knew you wouldn't fall for Mr. Zhongli's charms." he cheers.

Diluc's eyes widen slightly. "(Y/n), you don't have to force yourself to do that, you can just ignore the bard--"

"Please I insist, I feel like spending my time and mora on you guys today." you smile.

Kaeya smirks. "Oho, you're pretty generous today. Is it a blessing? Or is it finally time for you to become our sugar mo--"

You didn't let him finish. "Come with me, everyone. We're going shopping."

Kaeya let out a chuckle before nodding.

"We'll buy the Rite's stuff first, then we'll buys whichever item you want. And this might probably be the last time I'll give you freebies." You turn your heel and walk towards the shops.

Then you hear frantic footsteps and quiet whispers as they follow behind you. You negotiate with Tic, Tac, and Toe to get the requested services using Childe's money, then your friends arrive next to you.

"Right, now that's done.." You look back at your friends with a grin. "you can now shop to your delight. Including you, Zhongli." Everyone else nods then ventures on to whatever they're about to buy.

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