Failed Case-18

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TW: Rowan, Sean, James, threatening, punching, Inexplicit assault of a minor, mention of the words assault/rape, mention of being fed through a tube, dead naming, mention of a racial slur being said (never said though), mention of hospitals/casts/hickeys, crying, probably incorrect legal stuff.

I swear these TW lists get longer

Third Person POV

Irra and Remus were staying at Irra's house today. They couldn't deal with everything that happened. That's understandable.

Phoenix was coming over after school to help watch over everyone with Janus.


Janus kissed Damien's forehead. "You know what to do." She said. "Call me incase of a panic attack or if something goes wrong." The siblings said at the same time. Damien chuckled. "I know. I promise I'll message." They said before hugging Janus.

Janus hugged back and kissed their head. "I know you know. Just be safe." Damien nodded and left to class.

Virgil patted her back. "Hey. They'll be fine." Janus sighed. "I hope you're right."


The day went on as normal. James, Rowan and Sean missed half of their classes as they were being questioned until 3rd period.

Janus glared at them if she spotted them. Phoenix hung out with the remaining Dark Sides and they all got to know Phoenix. She honestly wasn't bad. She was sweet and had a good sense of humour. Basically Remus and Patton combined but without the fears they had, and female.

No, the problem came after school. As it always does.


Damien squeaked as they were dragged into the girls change room. There was no after school sports today so it was extremely empty.

Sean pushed Damien to Janus after taking their bag and throwing it in another corner with Janus'. Their phones where in there. Janus caught Damien and held them close. "Ja-Jan. What's going on?" They asked quietly. Janus held Damien close. "I don't know."

"So I'm assuming you found Irra and Remus yesterday. Where did you take them?" Rowan asked. James was holding a phone with Rowan on speaker. The siblings stayed quiet. They didn't need to answer.

"Gotta answer. You're gonna regret it if you don't." James smirked. Janus kissed Damien's head and held them close. "Fine. Have it your way." Sean chuckled.

Sean grabbed Damien and pulled them away from Janus. Sean held them tightly and kept them from moving.

James punched Janus, fast and hard across the face. Janus hissed in pain and held her jaw. "What the fuck?" She yelled only to be punched again.

"Hurt Jan?" Rowan chuckled. Sean kissed Damien's cheek. "Oh hold your fucking horses Sean! I'm a goddamn minor! I am 16 and you are 18! With addition to assault and rape charges you fuckers will be charged additionally with the assault of a minor! Adding it up and depending on how good your lawyer is, that 20- 30 years of your life and millions of dollars. Continue on that rap sheet but trust me you all be on the streets." Damien hissed.

Everyone blank stared them. Rowan just paused. Damien shrugged. "I've read a law book or two." James smirked. "Awe. The dumbass has a few big words. Wonderful!"

"Fun fact. If I beat the shit outta you, it's self defence. So let me go now and I'll make sure you can eat instead of being fed through a tube!" Damien warned. Sean just kept his grasp tighter on Damien. "Awe. Not happening sweetie." Sean smirked kissing their cheek again.

"What do you want from us? What information?" Janus asked. "Irra and Remus' location. Give them and you'll only leave with that bruise and Sarah those 2 cheek kisses." James answered.

Damien paused and Janus glared at the phone. "How-" They turned to face the phone. "You told them?" Damien yelled. Rowan chuckled. "Oops. Must have slipped." Sean took a chance to kiss Damien's neck. Damien winced and tried getting away.

Janus turned to James. "Fine! Fine! I'll tell you. Let Damien go first." James snapped making Sean drop Damien onto the dirty floor.

Janus looked at her sibling. Damien sat on their knees and rubbed their neck. They looked at Janus and nodded, signalling that they were okay.

Janus looked at James. "They're at Rowan's house. They stayed the night at ours but then they moved to Rowan's when school started." Janus lied. It pays to be the kid who has a reputation of being unclear when they are lying or not. It forces people to believe them.

James smirked as Damien moved over to Janus and rested against her. "Rowan? Remus and Irra there? Or any evidence they were?" James asked. Rowan chuckled. "Nope. No one is home, there are no dishes in the dishwasher. It's been empty all day."

James smirked and looked at the siblings. "You're in for it now." He spat a racial slur at them. Damien buried their face into Janus' shoulder.


Janus held Damien close as they waited for Emile and an ambulance.

They were beaten extremely badly and they both feared something was broken. Damien rested against Janus' chest. "Jan. When we win, I'm moving schools. Right?" Janus nodded and kissed their head. "Yup. You'll be in a high school near my university and we'll be okay."

They heard the door open and saw Emile run in. "Kids? What happened?" "James, Sean and Rowan happened." Janus answered. "Where are the others?" Damien asked.

"Remus and Irra are at my house. They are with Remy and they are safe. Let's get you both to a hospital." Emile said petting their heads.


Janus and Damien were asleep in the guest bedroom. Damien had a cast on their arm and Janus had a huge bandage around her middle. Janus and Damien had bruises for days. Damien had enough hickeys to hurt somebody.

Irra, Virgil and Remus were in Irra's room. "Am I next?" Virgil asked. It was a question on all their minds.

Irra cuddled into their pillow. "Hopefully not. What the fuck happened to Rowan?" They asked bitterly.

"Now we know Irra's mad. They swore." Remus mumbled quietly. That made the trio laugh.

Virgil sighed. "I wish they would stop." "A few more months. It's March. We leave at the end of May. It's almost over." Irra smiled.

The trio smiled at the fact that they will graduate in May. They went to sleep with that knowledge.


Emile sent an email to James, Sean and Rowan's parents. Xe was and tired of this shit and needed this to be fixed. Xe went to go make sure that everyone was okay.

Xe changed and got into bed with Remy. Remy held Emile close and kissed xer head. "Are you alright?" He asked. Emile nodded and kissed Remy. "Yeah. Just sleepy."

Remy spooned Emile and smiled. "Well you're married to the master of it." Emile giggled and the pair fell asleep.


Patton was crying his eyes out. He'd just been told what had happened over the past 2 days by Rowan.

This all happened because he didn't want to tell the group that he rejected Virgil's feelings on Valentine's Day.

Patton cried harder. He felt horrible.

-Behind the Scenes-

Dam:*screaming* FUCK!

Damien: *tackles xem*

Dam: Help meeee!

The sides: Nah.

Irra: I would buuuuut- yeah

Dam: God fucking damn it.

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