Trails Day 1- 23

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TW: court, talk of child abuse and child neglect, doubts, Con Kisses, mention of food, abusive parent phrases like 'this is how I was raised'.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer Please don't take anything as legal advice talk to an actual attorney.

Third Person POV

Janus sighed and fixed his hat. "Remus?" He called softly as he stared at his black dress suit, with a yellow dress shirt and black bow tie, in the mirror. "Yeah babe?" It called back from the bathroom.

"What if we lose?" He asked. "What if the jury doesn't give me custody and Dammy is forced to live with her and I can't do anything about it?"

Remus frowned a bit. "Baby, come here." Janus went over to the bathroom and was immediately hugged. "We will win this. When we do we can have a big mansion to let everyone live in. Or we could have a small 2 story. With 3 bed rooms, one for us, one for Dam, and one for whoever is staying the night. The guest room had lots of beds so more than one can stay." Remus rambled.

"I can get my own little office." Janus smiled softly. "I can add my desk and I can write while you work. We can have a speaker system and listen to music." Remus added. "A big living room and kitchen to dance in when home alone."

Janus smiled softly and kissed Remus' forehead. "Thank you my love." Remus smiled wide. "Of course! My handsome snake deserves the world!"

Janus looked at the dress Remus was wearing. "You look beautiful hon." It was a tight top fitting dress with some lace. It had a flowing skirt with yellow snakes along the border. Remus added that part himself. Remus curtsied. "Thank you. You look stunning handsome."

Janus blushed a little and kissed Remus. "Thank you dear." Remus pulled Janus in to make the kiss longer, Janus didn't mind.

Logan chuckled from the doorway of the room. "You two are cute and all but are you ready to go?" She asked as the pair pulled away. Janus and Remus nodded and took each other's hands.

The trio went downstairs where the others were waiting. "Yes but think, more hairspray." Virgil smirked as he fixed out his tux. "I can put a lighter to your hair and you will look like a human torch. No more." Damien chuckled as they played with the hem of their tux dress, the same thing Janus is wearing. "Plus your hair is better messy."

Irra was just spinning in circles with Patton and having fun looking at how beautiful their dresses looked.

Irra stopped spinning and saw Janus. "Ma!" She smiled as she ran over and hugged him. Janus smiled softly and hugged back. "Hello tiny." Janus greeted even though Irra is taller than him.

"Are we all ready to go kids?" Emile asked as xe came downstairs with Remy. All the kids gave their own yeses before all getting into the car.

There wasn't enough room for everyone in one car so Logan had brought his cause he was the only one with a license.


The groups were on their way to the court house.

Janus was cuddled on Remus' lap. "Remus? Do you think Ro is coming? I know we are all on bad terms and shit but she'd promised she'd be there for every trail. I still want her to be."

Remus kissed Janus' cheek. "She might be. If she doesn't show, don't worry about it. We have your back Jan. Nothing will happen." Janus smiled softly. "Thank you baby." It kissed his head. "Of course Janny."


"The next case on the docket is Mx. Janus Chimaeram and Mx. Damien Chimaeram, you are the claimant. The respondent is Ms. Lydia Chimaeram. Today Mx. Chimaeram, you are making a claim against Ms. Chimaeram for $250,000 for claims of child abuse, child neglect as well as trying to get custody over Mx. Damien Chimaeram, your sibling." The judge read. "Is this information as I have read it from the document correct Mx. Chimaeram?"

Janus nodded. "Yes your honour." Remus held Janus' hand. "You're gonna do great baby." It whispered softly. Janus smiled softly and nodded.

Day one of the trail.

Each issue will be dealt with over the course of 3 days. Janus was definitely ready to get no sleep for the 2 nights between two trials.


It's honestly safe to say that Janus was internally calling bullshit on the stuff his mother said.

Her claims of 'I'm trying to help them' and 'the real world won't be nice so I'm showing them that' as well as her favourite, 'that's how I was raised'.

It's safe to say Remus and Irra would be charged and convicted for murder if they could get a weapon. Logan was keeping the pair in constant check.

Damien was up at the stand being questioned. It was clear they mentally shut down in the car ride so they wouldn't break down. They were answering questions no problem. Though really all the kids had to look away when the evidence of physical abuse came on screen, no matter much how much they prepared for it.

Everyone who needed to be questioned was questioned.

"Day 1 of 3 in the Chimaeram trail has ended." The judge said before hitting her gavel down.

Janus sighed and Remus hugged him from behind. "You're doing great babe." "Thanks Rem." Janus smiled softly.  "Let's grab pizza and go sleep." Remus smiled. "Food?" Virgil, Damien and Irra asked.

Patton chuckled. "Yeah kiddos. Let's grab something to eat."

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