Part 2

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Missy Diaz looked around the room from her spot, trying to find Alyssa, Monica and Jessica. Well, she knew where Jessica was. She was upstairs with a guy named Aaron. The only reason Missy knew that was because Jessica had been freaking out about a latex free condom, luckily Missy had restocked all of the girls purses.

She wasn't someone that had one night stands but her friends did and she made sure they had what they needed. Jessica was allergic to latex, something she'd found out only last year, when she lost her virginity. Missy started carrying them then. Just in case a guy said they were allergic, she'd have them. Not that she'd had a guy lately.

Actually, she hadn't slept with anyone. Ever. Which made her the only virgin left in their group of friends. They said she was a prude but that wasn't true. She and her ex-boyfriend had fooled around a lot in their senior year of high school. She got really good at oral but hadn't been ready for the actual sex part. Then they went their separate ways. He went off to college. Missy would have gone with him if he'd asked, but he'd wanted to start that journey on his own. It hadn't hurt her feelings as much as she'd thought it would. Myles still messaged her from time to time, telling her he missed her. She rolled her eyes every time that message came through.

Honestly, she'd have sex with someone if they were interested, but no one ever seemed to be attracted to her. There were times when she thought someone might be but it always turned out they were talking to her to get close to her friends.

Missy didn't hold that against them. The girls were hot. She'd always been the odd one out. Maybe that was why she was still a virgin. It was hard to catch someone's eye when you were surrounded by model bodies with long legs. Not short stubby ones that barely helped her reach the coffee mugs in the cabinets. Most guys looked right over her.

A smile spread her lips wide. That's what she needed! She needed to find a shorter guy. With her only being four foot ten inches, she'd be perfect for the vertically challenged men around here. Not that there were many, but there had to be at least one. Someone that was around five five. That should be good. He'd still be taller than her and she wouldn't have to look up too far. Perfect.

She giggled to herself. It was a stupid but good idea. Not that it would ever happen. Even the shorter guys didn't notice her. Especially when the girls were around. Missy looked around for them again, not liking that she couldn't see them. She liked to make sure everyone was safe and accounted for. It was getting really late and they would usually be gone by now. The party goers were starting to leave, the place was almost empty.

The music was turned down and she still couldn't see the girls. Missy sighed and left her post, she sat down on the couch, clutching the purses to her. They were probably all upstairs getting laid, so she'd have to sit here and wait for them to come down. Monica was the only one with a car and her only way back to the apartment. She rested her head on the back of the couch, scooting down so that her feet were flat on the floor.

She probably looked like a pouting child. Missy pulled on the collar of her jacket. It'd been hot all night but with the warm bodies clearing out it was going to get more comfortable. A yawn forced her mouth wide and her eyes shut. What time was it now? Pulling her phone from her pocket, she hit the button on the side. Almost two in the morning. Crap. She was going to be extra tired for work in the morning.

Maybe she could get some shut eye while she waited for the girls to come back down. Yeah, that was a good idea. Just a little nap. Her eyes closed as she tightened her hold on the purses. The music was turned down even more but she was already starting to doze off. Hopefully, the footballers wouldn't kick her out before her friends came down.

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