A New Start

64 4 1

Hee Byol's POV

It has been a week since I, and those guys met.

After what happened i felt a bit lighter, well, I still have nightmares but I started to see things differently now.

As always, I'm here in my room doing my Job, when a sudden link popped on the screen of my laptop.

College of Music and Arts..

My eyebrows furrowed a bit.

Why would this pop on my screen?

Did someone send me this?

Its like my hands has a life of its own and I started scrolling and checking out the courses.

"Hm.. they have good classes" I sat up straight looking at the link

Should I enroll? I mean...

I shook my head and stood up.
"I must be crazy." I was about to go out of my room when I noticed a blue butterfly on the curtain.

The butterfly flew softly and landed on the Screen of my laptop.

Mom? Taemin? Do you really want me to do it?

I sighed and sat on my study again.

Is this a sign that they're still guiding me?

A smile made its way to my lips as the idea calmed me a bit.

I should really be more positive right? Maybe its not bad to try something out of the box.

May a new song begin, when this one ends.

I nodded and clicked the enrollment form.

I was lucky it popped up the exact time enrollments for the school came up. I smiled a bit and started working on my enrollment form.

The enrollment aside, I still have to take care of the tuition and also expenses for my apartment.

I guess I have to go look for another part time besides being an unknown graphic designer.

After I finished my enrollment form, I looked up for part time jobs near my place or just a couple of blocks away.. but unfortunately, It was a bit far from my place, I need to ride a bus to go there aisshh!

But well, I do need the job, it was decent and the salary was also favorable.

"Well, here goes nothing" I tapped the apply button and worked on my application form.

I was so focused on doing my application I forgot that it's already 1 in the afternoon and I haven't eaten anything yet -_-

So, I finished my application form and went to the kitchen.

I was about to cook when I heard the doorbell ring.

I was a bit confused since I don't have deliveries, and ofc, I never had visitors.

With a trembling hand, I grabbed the baseball bat and slowly made my way to the door. I looked in the peephole and saw guys with hoodies.

That made me more alert.

I gripped the bat tighter and tried to compose a sentence despite my panic attack.

"Y-yes? What do you need?" I waited for an answer.. but there's none. I grabbed my phone in my pocket and was about to call the police.

"She didn't open it yet? Did you guys even introduce yourselves!? Aishh!"

My hand stopped dialing..

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