One day before the contest

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Sanha's pov

I woke up early today to help Hee Byol noona with her vocals and ofcourse I did my daily routine I grabbed my backpack and opened the door to see Yoongi hyung I glared at him and walked pass him not caring if he's my hyung

'stay away from Hee Byol' my eyes twitched at that sentence and looked at him I'am not a violent person so even if I want to punch him right now my actions don't communicate with me so I just looked at him

'what the hell is your problem with her!'

'because she's no good for you!!' I was taken aback when he screamed but I didn't let my guard down my mom suddenly came out of nowhere with confusion on her face

'what is going on here' she calmly said and looked at the both of us

'why is she not good for me all she did was treat me like a brother to her and makes me study if I get lazy she always says she's fine but everytime I act like I don't know that she's crying and cutting herself but it hurts to see her like that and I can't even do anything' I felt tears building up in my eyes 'so why do you want me to fucking get out of her life when she needs someone to save her from herself'

'Sunmi....' Yoongi hyung looked at me directly in the eyes

'she's still in a coma righht you said she tried to kill herself' I looked at him confusedly

'Sunmi almost killed herself because of Hee byol she's been bullying Sunmi eversince we were in highschool' my heart dropped I looked my hands and looked at yoongi he opened his phone and showed me a video...a video where Hee Byol was throwing papers at Sunmi and saying names to her my heart feels heavy every muscle inside me stopped I can't move and it feels like I can't breath I never knew Hee Byol is this kind of girl but all the times we spend together all she did was to be nice I never saw cruelness in her but then here I'am watching the video of her bullying my also know friend it breaks my heart that I trusted her fast that I can't defend her now because I'm slowly believing what my cousin says everything is so fast I don't know whose side I'm on but right now I want to hear it for myself

'I will never let you take away Sanha to me!' the word that I really believed I looked at Yoongi hyung

'thanks for informing me hyung...but I want to hear it from her because she promised me that she will never let me go no matter what and I'll see if she keeps her promise' I walked away and out of our house I sighed and looked at the sky

'please don't let me down Noona'

Hee Byol's pov

I was now sitting on a bench in our school feeling the coldness the of air I opened my eyes and saw Sanha he looks so down and dissapointed I smiled at him but he looked away he sat beside me and looked up into the sky

'is it true...' I looked at him at him with a confused face

'what's true?' he looked at me seriously he looks really terrifying

'you bullied others' I sighed and looked at him its better to tell him the truth now

'yes...I did but believe me when I say that I changed I'm no longer the Hee Byol that bullies people for fun' I can see that he's resisting his tears to not fall my eyes started feeling warm

'did Sunmi tried to kill herself because of you' his question made my heartbeat stop everyone thinks I'm the reason and there's no way out of that so its better to accept it rather than to deny

'yes she did it because of me' Sanha nodded and gave me a USB I looked at him and at the USB

'that's the song...don't ever come near me or anyone else you're better off alone forget that we've been friends because I mostly like to forget you' he looked at me coldly and walked away

I looked at his fading silouhette I felt my tears fell but I just let them be It hurts too much he was my only hope yet I ruine it why did I do that before I don't deserve to live I'm cruel and vile no one will ever care I turned my back from Eunwoo and Sanha turned his back on me maybe this is really my fate being alone maybe I really can't fly

I stood up and walked all the way to our bathroom everyone that saw me just laughed at me I went in the bathroom and washed my face

'well well well, we meet again' I looked at the girl and saw Trina with her minions I just looked at her and ignored her again

'aww ignoring me B..I thought we were friends'

'we were never friends ' I looked at her and was about to open the door but she pulled me away one of her minions locked the door

'you know why your friends abandon you because you're a cruel,stupid,selfish little girl' she slapped me hard and kicked my body punched my face grabed my hear threw me on the wall scratched my arms and legs and got satisfied they walked away like nothing happened I grabbed the blade hidden in my pocket and remembered the friends I have when I was still a kid maybe that's what they think of me that's why they left me
I finished cutting myself and washed it good thing my uniform is long sleeves so I hid it and looked at my uniform their heeled shoe prints are really obvious and my face is red and a little swollen good thing eomma is too busy with her investigation so she never noticed the bruises on my face and plus I always cover it with make up I opened the door and went straight to my classroom I sat at the very end Sanha used to sit beside me but now he was sitting at the very front I felt the sting on my wrist I looked at it and saw that the blood was getting bigger my eyes widened and searched for a handkerchief when I remembered that I didn't have one I sighed well  no one will even care I grabbed my wallet and saw my childhood photo with my friends I smiled weakly

'bogo sipda' I mummbled

my contest is tomorrow and I don't think I'll do good but I want to show them that I can do this alone but still I miss them Eunwoo,Sanha,Shikhyung and Misty I miss them but I know nothing will change I sighed and looked at the part of my uniform that has blood on it

'Mom and Taemin is all I have right now'

~oh my god I literally cried while writing this the feels men it hurts anyways hope you like it oh and I was just kidding that my story will have slight colors of rainbow and happiness muahahaha


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