Chapter 4 The Dragon awakes the Tiger

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Y/N: Shit, the dragon is here. Adonis take the wheel, I'll mount the .50 Cal! Everyone else spread out and distract the dragon! Get that gun carriage loaded!The civilians were all in a panic and aimlessly running in hopes to flee the Flame Dragon. It proved futile as the dragon dived down and burned them all into charred remains. I can see all my shots are hitting the dragon but none seem to hurt the dragon. If anything it was only pissing it off more.

Adonis: Dammit, our weapons don't do shit against the dragon!

Y/N: The gun carriage is our only hope! If it lands, shoot the damn cannon at it!

After burning through half my ammo box, the dragon diverted its attention to us and landed.

Y/N: Chynna, tell the gun crew to aim and fire at the dragon!

Chynna: Will do.

Shortly after a shell was fired and struck the dragon's right leg. Screaming in pain, it began its retreat to the mountains. Just in time as my arms were screaming in pain and fatigue began to set in.

Y/N: Round up the remaining survivors and do a body count!

Out of the original 200 refugees, only 150 made it out alive. Around 30 of the 150 were either children, the injured, or the elderly. The village chief told me that the remaining people have too many problems to face and left them. We were left with 2 choices, take them in, or leave them.

Shen: Spineless bastards. Refuse to look after one of their own people!

Sun: What do we do? We can't just leave them here! I lost my family to those Japanese Devils and left with nothing, I don't want them to face what I had to go through.

Wei: This is why people turn to the Communist. They have nothing left and nothing to lose for once they're abandoned.

Chynna: I could give them medical attention but taking them in is Captain's choice.

Adonis: Y/N, what is your call?

Everyone looked at me, I lowered my head to think, but the stares of everyone increased pressure on me. If I take them in, we might win support from the people, but it would not sit well with high command. If I refuse to take them in, we will be seen as tyrants, the kingdoms of this world would have reasons to take up arms and turn on us, possibly even threaten Nanjing like before. Ugh, damnit! Why can't I make up my mind!? I took one look at the remaining civilians, the sight of the elderly and children takes me back home, the homeless and vulnerable on the streets of Nanjing or Shanghai, and forced to resort to crime. I made up my mind.

Y/N: I say... We take them in.

We put the children and elderly in the army truck while everyone else rode on the half-tracks back to base. The MPs immediately fenced them off to be medically examined, everyone went back to their units and I was summoned to General Zhutong's office. The second I took a step inside, I was prepared to be roasted by Zhutong.

Zhutong: What is the meaning of this? You are 2 hours late and you brought back refugees!

Y/N: They were the only locals we found that we can establish diplomacy with. A dragon attacked another village, there was nothing we could do. We warned the villagers and they know the dragon is a huge threat.

Zhutong: Why didn't you shoot it down?! We killed many dragons, this one should be no different!

Y/N: You have never seen this dragon, it's way bigger than the ones we killed. They attacked the convoy as we were escorting civilians to safety. We shot it with everything we had! Only the cannon on our half-track injured it and retreated before we could even load another shell! The survivors that left refused to look after the ones we found. I cannot just leave them there!

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