Chapter 8.5 Crackdown

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??? POV

Briefed on setting up a base of operations in the slums of Saderan, we tunneled our way underground into the district of Akusho. A slum district worse than Shanghai or Guangdong. May not be the best place to set up a base, but our forces will be under the radar from the Saderan Imperial Army.

???: You sure this is the place General Gu told us to be? It's dark as hell and it stinks!

???: Quiet! These walls echo, we cannot be heard by anything or anyone.

Going through the unused sewer system, not the best place to go through but there is no other way. Around 50 of us trudged through the murky water silently thanking the German and American for outfitting us with boots.

???: Should we at least have a light?

???: Not yet, we're almost there.

After trudging through what feels like forever in a dark endless tunnel, Sergeant Hu stops.

Hu: Stop! Someone, light up a lantern!

Someone lit an old kerosene lantern and I passed it to the Sergeant.

Hu: Everyone, quiet. There may be footsteps.

We waited, but after hearing no footsteps Hu pulled out a M1903 and slowly lifted the manhole, peeking out for anything or anyone. Hu placed the lantern on the floor of the warehouse and climbed out of the sewers.

Hu: Private, get up here quick and cover the others.

I climbed out and crouched aiming my Type 24 at the dark abyss as the rest of the platoon crawled up. We lit up more lanterns and slowly sweeped the warehouse. Luckily, it's empty and looks abandoned. We cleared out the broken furniture for makeshift fortifications and set up base, including a radio straight back to Nanjing Fortress. Our only concern is the crime families. I faced the Green Gang and other small fry gangs back in Shanghai raiding warehouses containing opium and other illicit drugs, but not several crime syndicates with large influences in one small district.

Hu: Listen up, everyone. You all know this is a slum and when there is a slum, there's crime! There are 4 crime families and they know we're here. We must be alert at all times. Keep your guns ready and watch for any signs of an attack!

It's time for food, rice and cabbage, as always. Not very tasty, but I'm too used to eating rice and vegetables.

NRA Private: Hey Yue, want some spam?

Yue: No thanks, I don't like it.

I don't like spam, mainly because it's salty. Looking outside, I see a hooded figure watching us from another building. The figure just stood there and while I noticed it, it doesn't seem aware that I spotted him. I sent someone to alert the Sergeant.

NRA Private: His orders are to shoot it.

Yue: Take my position and I will shoot it from another window.

I crawled into another window and loaded my rifle. Aiming down the sights I held my breath and fired. The figure fell backwards and made a loud thud. Later, we checked the body, it looks like a man and a rat put together. The odor and just the sight of its dirty fur made us feel sick, worse than wading in the sewers. We incinerated the body shortly after for sanitation reasons.

Later that night

It's nighttime but everyone is still awake. As I was inspecting my rifle yells and jeers can be heard from the street. I ran to the windows, thuds from arrows firing on the walls. Someone tapped my shoulder, it was Sergeant Hu with a gas mask in his hand.

Hu: Private, I know you trained with a flamethrower in India, so I'm entrusting you with this.

I equipped the gas mask and a Soviet steel breastplate. I hesitated at the sight of the flamethrower but put it on nonetheless. The second I stepped out, anti-air searchlights switched on, pointed down at the street. Blinded temporarily, I kept my composure and watched the gangs stare at me. Readying the M1 flamethrower I aimed the nozzle at the gangs as I slowly walked toward them.

???: Hahaha! You think you can stop us? Only one grunt can take you!

I couldn't understand what he said. I can only assume that's the leader who seems to signal out one person with a dagger. Without hesitation I doused him in flames and watched him scream in pain and terror as he flails around helplessly as the fire slowly kills him. That was their cue.

Hu: Fire!

Windows swung open in the surrounding buildings firing down at the gang members. I let the flamethrower loose on the crowd and let the machine guns mop up the rest of the gang cronies. Snipers took out the gang leaders. With no opposition in this district, we came out as the dominating power in this district. And also a blessing for the residents of Akusho. Good riddance and as the British say, "Crime never pays."

Everybody cheered as I marched back into the warehouse still donning the gas mask and breastplate. Sergeant Hu pat me on the back as I returned without a scratch.

Hu: Good job private. That bravery out there deserves a promotion. But before that, there's more work to be done here!

Hopes of a promotion got dashed there, but we all live to fight another day, for China!

Chapter 8.5 END

A/N: Ran out of ideas for the moment so here's a temporary chapter. If there are any ideas for any future chapters comment them down.

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