Chapter 9 - Drought in our hearts

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Andros a re nouned realm of the best oceans in the magical dimension. Now many believe that Andros's beauty lies solely in their ocean but if you were to ever go to the realm you would see that their is more to this world then meets the eye. 

The people, music, and culture was diverse just like any other realm. Now sitting at the towns square was the Queen of Andros, Queen Aisha. She sat near the fountain in the square next to children with eyes full of wonder as they watched the Andros jazz musicians. Although Jazz had made it to other realms in the magical dimension the root of this genre of music began in Andros. 

Aisha clapped along with the children to the music as brave common folk began joining in the fun to dance to the music. A particular woman out shone the other dancers though. Her red flaming hair swayed following her movements and she danced gracefully as though the wind carried her body. Her movements were agile, unpredictable, and graceful.  

She closed her eyes as she danced in a way to let her body take control and Aisha was mesmerized as she watched the woman let go of herself and flow like the oceans of Andros to the music. The woman then opened her eyelids to reveal eyes that were as green as seaweed. She met the Queen's gaze, who happened to be dressed in common attire to fit in. The red head danced over to the Queen and grabbed her hand. 

"Care for a dance?" She pulled the Queen to her feet and both of them began to dance in sync to the jazz that was playing. Once the song had ended the commoners clapped for the band and the dancers who participated in the entertainment. 

The red head then looked at Aisha. 

"Name's Laura Maxwell." The red head who announced herself to Aisha as Laura, then looked at the Queen waiting for her to give her name. 

"I'm Aisha Maliah." Laura smiled at the Queen which wasn't the reaction Aisha was expecting anyone from Andros would know the Queen as soon as she stated her name so why was Laura seeming so unfazed. 

"You're not from around here, are you, Laura?" Laura then let a slight laugh escape her lips. 

"Well you sure are a astute one aren't ya, doll?" Laura chuckled and Aisha took notice of her southern style accent. Aisha smiled at the accent thinking it was cute. 

"Well you'd be righ' I ain't from Andros. I come from the planet Callisto." Aisha had done research on Callisto along with the other planets in the magical dimension when she was a little a girl. From what she could remember from her lessons, Callisto was a plant that thrived on trade of spices and liquor.  It also had a Queen named Varanda and her husband Terrance. They had a son who was around Zara's age if Aisha wasn't mistaken.  

"Well I really must be going." Aisha stated as she began getting her bag to head back to the castle. The trip to town she had taken was solely to get away from all the drama in the castle but Aisha was going to have to face her problems at some point. 

"Alrigh well have my number an message me at any time to hangout again doll." Laura scribbled a number on a piece of paper then handed it to Aisha. 

"Also I love your shoes, Aisha." With that Laura vanished. Aisha looked at the paper in her hand that had a a number written on it. Aisha smiled looking at the paper and she saved the number written on her phone. 

Aisha then headed back to the castle. Luckily things weren't in shambles. Nerida, the Andros advisor was helping Zara finish her kindergarten homework. Aisha passed them and greeted them. Although spending time with her daughter sounded like a fun time she had to attend to a much more dire issue, her father. 

She found Roy standing outside his room. 

"I figured you would come here my Queen." Roy bowed to Aisha. She rolled her eyes since Roy was such a good friend of hers she didn't see the need for him to bow. 

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