Chapter 12- Happy Ever After's do come true

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Another day began as the sun rose over the horizon. Aisha had gone to check that the preparations for Zara's day were in place then she began starting the things on her itinerary. Her father and mother wanted to spend the day together alone so Aisha granted their wish, and Zara was going to school today which meant Aisha didn't have to worry about anyone else today. Besides perhaps Nex. It had been a week since Nex made that offer to Aisha and she still hadn't given him an answer. She needed to say something to him soon.

As Aisha turned the corner from leaving the dining hall she bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Aisha blurted as she straightened herself. When she looked up to see who she was apologizing too, she realized it was the the last person she wanted to see at the moment. Nex.

"Why hello there, your majesty." Nex said with a grin as he bowed to the Queen.

"Nex." Aisha said trying to keep her composure but she could feel her cheeks flushing red. Aisha couldn't quite explain why she felt like this around Nex. She thought she was over him. But could it be that she was still madly in love with him?

As Nex rose he grabbed the Queen's hand delicately and kissed the back of it.

"I bid you a good day, m'lady." Nex then set on his way to leave but Aisha acted before she thought.

"Meet me at our spot in 30 minutes." Nex turned to look at the queen, and a cheeky smile spread across his face.

"Why of course." Then Nex left and Aisha slammed her hand to her forehead. She wasn't one to be so forward or blunt but here we are. She made the preparations to meet him in half an hour.

She paced back and forth at the pier. What in the magic dimension was she thinking? What was she going to say? Was she truly so desperate to have another conversation with him that she would do something this forward?

"You wanted to see me your majesty?" Aisha turned to look at the sudden voice, although she already knew who it belonged to. She cleared her throat.

"Yes. I wanted to speak with you." Nex sat at the end of the doc and ushered her to join him. She sat down and took a breath, meanwhile Nex patiently looked out at the ocean waiting to hear what Aisha had to say. Aisha thought it best to just let her emotions run free and speak her mind.

"I think you deserve an answer." Nex then stopped looking at the ocean and looked at Aisha. In her eyes he saw the ocean. Her turquoise eyes captured the ocean perfectly of when the sun is directly overhead. Their color and depth reminded him of whirlpools. Aisha looked directly back at him and they sat in silence for awhile, looking into each other's eyes.

"I do still have feelings for you. And I want to be with you. I think we can make things work, or at least I want to make things work because no one has ever made me as happy as you make me. I've seen you with Zara, and I've seen the way that girl looks at you with admiration. And when I look at you. I feel at home." Aisha suddenly stopped. Did she say too much. She had turned away from Nex when she spoke and quite frankly she was scared to look at him again. He gently placed his finger under her chin, and turned her head to look at him once more.

"I've never felt more at home, then when I'm with you." Nex placed his hand on the side of the Queen's cheek, feeling her warmth on his palm. Then Aisha place her hand on the back of his, and lovingly nestled her face in his hand. Feeling safe.

"I have to tell you something." Aisha blurted. Nex looked at her and Aisha swore she could feel the warmth and desire radiating from his gold eyes.

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