Chapter 10- The blossom of a love that was lost

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(Linphea: Floral Cottage)-

Floral cottage was a divine little cottage located in one of the most beautiful meadows in all of Linphea. This meadow in particular was secluded for most though. It was specifically reserved for the Guardian fairy of Linphea. Of course that title isn't exactly accurate in Flora's opinion since she hasn't transformed into a fairy in years. Having four toddlers bustling around the house wasn't exactly a walk in the park.

In reality taking care of the 'Fearsome Four' -as the Winx liked to call them- was a pretty difficult task. Especially when you're doing it alone. Well not entirely alone. The girls helped quite often. Flora was constantly receiving packages to the cottage of new clothes that Stella thought would suit the kids, or the newest technologies of kids toys from Tecna, or special little sweets that Bloom makes during her free time.

Flora started her day bright and early. She didn't have to go to work today so she was jittering at the thought of being able to spend the full day with her kids. She awoke and instantly ran to the kitchen to begin preparing a nice breakfast filled with nutritious fruits, eggs, bacon and toast. 

Right as Flora began placing the plates on the table, a sleepy Leonardo comes into the dining room rubbing his eyes. At the sight of his mother he runs up to her and hugs her leg.

"Hi Mama!' The black haired little boy exclaimed. Flora kissed his forehead, and smiled looking at the innocent green eyes of her first born child.

"Good morning pumpkin. Go wake up your brothers and sister please." Leo smiled at his mother then ran back up the stairs to fetch his siblings. By the time Flora finished placing glasses of orange juice down on the table, the four kids were standing in the walkway to the dining hall.

The third-born, Kai stood rubbing his grey eyes, clearly having just been woken up. Stefan- the second born- stood with a book still in hand and a grumpy expression plastered across his face, clearly his brother had just interrupted his good reading session. Finally there was Leo with a giant smile on his face as he held his sister -the last born child- Victoria in his arms as she desperately tried to scramble out of them.

Flora couldn't help but laugh at her adorable children standing before her. She then ushered them into the room and they all hopped on a chair and began digging into their food. Leo started the conversation meanwhile Vic kept threatening to stab him with her fork since she was clearly cranky after being physically dragged out of bed.

As everyone was finishing up their breakfast, their was a ring at the doorbell.

"Can I come with you Mama?"Kai asked excitedly. Flora would always go to receive whomever was at the door but the kids made it a habit to try and take turns to see whats at the door. Kai was the most curious of the four so he was the one who was usually the most eager to see what is outside, but Leo and him would occasionally argue over this task since Leo just enjoyed being at his mother's side.

"Yes you can, Kai." Kai happily jumped from his seat, grabbed his mother's hand and they walked to the front door. Flora opened the door and to her and Kai's surprise there was a royal Linphea knight standing before them.

"Lady Flora, you and your children are cordially invited to a dinner at Linphea castle with Queen Krystal this evening." The knight then handed a invitation in an envelope made of leaves to Flora then departed back to the castle.

Flora looked at the invitation while Kai jumped excitedly at the thought of going to Linphea castle. Although Flora would usually go for tea with the Queen, she never took the kids since they were usually at school or she thought they would have no interest, or behave properly.

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