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Andrew's machine continues dispersing blue waves of energy as all Krens life across the Earth including the Condemned armies are killed immediately. The attacks on the U.S.S Wolf cease as Caleb, Cassandra and Woody watch. The Condemned at Archly Gate also die from the blue waves as Margret and Maya and the rest of the Archly Gate civilians recover. The radioactive fluid factories across the Earth including the rivers are destroyed by the machines' waves. Meanwhile, at the site of the Chimera crash, Marcus is recovering, unharmed, before he helps up the wounded pilot as another Chimera appears. Shortly afterwards, Kyle, Shawn, James, Sarah and Marcus enter into beachfront filled with A.O.W soldiers, who immediately congratulate the survivors. James reunites with Cassandra with Caleb and Woody approaching as well.

Maya: Cassandra!

Cassandra turns to see Maya and hugs her while Marcus greets Margaret. James gives a nervous look.

Cassandra: Hey....is everything okay?

James: Yeah...it's just.....we won....and it's kinda nice....you know, it's almost like a day at the beach.

Cassandra: Well, we are on a beach....

Cassandra smirks as James gives a look.

James: What?

Cassandra: You're up to something.....

James: What? What are you talking about?

Cassandra: James Burton, we've been together for five years. I know when you're up to something.

James: Yeah...and I want to say sorry.

Cassandra: For what?

James: For waiting five years to ask what I'm about to ask now....

Cassandra: And that is?

James takes a deep breath before turning to Cassandra, taking her hands.

James: Cassandra....we've been through hell together. Hell and back. I've lost my parents.....my uncle...friends...and you...you've lost a lot...we'll go through more, but I remember your dad telling me all those years, to make sure that I make sure you are safe; I don't know how long we'll have on this Earth, Cassandra, but I'm tired of wasting my time not making you feel like I'm not serious about us....about really surviving out here...

Cassandra: James....

Holding Cassandra's hand with one hand, James gets on one knee as Cassandra gasps.

Cassandra: Oh, my god.....

James pulls out the ring he found in the Charleston and presents it to Cassandra. Maya gasps as Shawn gives a smile.

James: Cassandra Brown....Will you marry me?

Cassandra, wiping a tear from her cheek, smiles and laughs.

Cassandra: Yes! Yes!

James laughs and places the ring on Cassandra's finger, before the two lock in a passionate kiss. James sweeps Cassandra off her feet and spins her around, as the two laugh with joy. Shawn, Maya, Marcus, Margaret, Sarah and Woody clap as do the rest of the A.O.W forces.

Cassandra: But, James....can we not have our wedding on a beach, please? I hate beach weddings.

James: Yeah....I'm not a fan of that either.

Kyle smiles, but giving a look of peace, but conflict, walks out to the beach as Sarah notices and follows him. Kyle removes his harness, boots, socks and bandana then sits on a rock and watches the sunset, before Sarah notices and follows shortly after, removes her sleeveless jacket and then takes off her boots and socks, rendering her barefoot as she sits next to Kyle, letting the waves crash at their feet.

Sarah: It's beautiful....it's not exactly a picture on the fridge, but it'll do for now.

A short pause.

Kyle: She called me an abomination.....her own child.

Sarah: Kyle, you are not what she called.....she was an abomination.....she was the failure....not you....that's not Andrew thought....that's not what Jake thought...and that's not what I think.

Kyle: What's left, Sarah? What do I have left now? I don't have any family left.

A short pause.

Sarah: A few more years on this discarded Earth......and 

Sarah takes Kyles' hand, before placing it on her lower belly.

Sarah: You're not alone.....you never were......I'm still here....and as long as I am here....I'll always be there for you......I love you, Kyle.

Kyle, shedding a tear in loss, but comfort, and Sarah then share a kiss, before the two look out into the sunset with Shawn, James, Cassandra, who is James' arms, Maya, who is holding hands with Cassandra, Caleb, Woody, Marcus and Margaret look on into the sunset horizon.

Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Extinction (2018)Where stories live. Discover now