Chapter 3

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I decided I would start doing clays POV too :) Please know I'm trying my best with writing these chapters.

Swearing, mentions of blood, fluff, pills (Advil)

George pov
I wake up by the sun hitting my eyes. As I slowly sit-up, The first thing I felt was a massive hangover. Trying to ignore it I rub my eyes to try and help my eyes adjust to my surroundings. I look around to see I'm in a bedroom, with a bunch of passed out teenagers. I look down to see I don't have my hoodie on. I groan as I get up to search for my hoodie. I pass by a mirror while trying to find it. At first I don't notice anything, But when I passed by it a second to notice it. I have deep purple marks on my neck down to my collarbone. I sigh at the marks all over my chest. I sigh picking at the marks but luckily Out of the corner of my eye I can see my hoodie. I quickly but quietly moved over the sleeping teenagers and grabbed my hoodie. I put it on as I make my way out of the bedroom.

As I make my way down the hall I see Karl in the kitchen cooking something.
"Look who finally woke up." He smiled to himself as he flipped a pancake over.
"Oh shut up, Do you have Advil or something for my hangover." I went over and sat at the island rubbing my head. Karl put a plate of pancakes in front of me along with a pill and water. "Thanks Karl I owe you one." I smile before taking the Advil and digging into the pancakes. "You were so drunk last night." Karl snickered as he watched me eat.
"What do you mean?"
"You were asking people to makeout with you, especially Clay." I chocked on my pancakes when I heard that. I took a sip of water to try and help the pancakes go down.
"I-I did what?!"

"Oh come on it won't be that bad." He gave me my car keys while I finished my pancakes and put my shoes on.
"I mean I just met the guy I don't want to seem weird.." I opened the front door walking out to my car.
"If anything happens just remember it wasn't your fault. You weren't in the right state of mind." He opened the passenger door to my door and got in. I slid in next to him and started the car up.
"I don't think people would care if I was in the right mind or not." I mumbled.
"Hey look on the bright side, Everyone was probably wasted out of their mind. So they wouldn't of have remembered." He took out foundation and a makeup brush. He lifted my shirt down to show the dark marks.
"Karl I'm driving!" I flinched at the cold feeling of the makeup. "Oh you'll thank me later."

The whole car ride to school was just Karl humming while he covered the marks. I didn't mind him humming, it was comforting. When we pulled up to school and got out of the car the first thing I saw was Nick and Clay walking behind us. I quickly grabbed Karl's arm and drag him inside the school.
"Dude what the hell was that for, I was going to talk to Nick." "I'm sorry I just didn't want to talk to Clay..." I let go of his arm.
"What even happened between you too." He raised an eyebrow.
"I guess I'm just embarrassed from last night or something." I look shyly at the ground. That wasn't really the real reason. Come on gogy let's get to class, and I promise it won't be as bad as you think." The bell ringed as we shuffled into class.

The first few periods had gone by in a blink of an eye. It was the last class, the class George had been dreading. The first thing he did in the class was set everything up and start on his portion of the project.
"Hey, what are we working on." He sat down before pulling out his notes. I just ignored him a bit. But I at least slide the laptop in between us so he could use it if he wanted. He looked at me a bit before working. I look over to be met with dreams eyes, he didn't have anything any work yet. "Is something wrong George." I sigh
"Nope everything is fine?" I glanced over at the laptop to finish my note. Clay reached over and closed the laptop.

I look over at clay, he looked dead serious.
"Did you see anything last night." I laughed a little.
"I only saw you kissing some girls neck last night."
"You sure that's all." "Uhm, yeah.." he was acting weird. He smiled and looked away.
"I also know what happened last night. You don't have to be awkward, I know you were just drunk and didn't mean it last night." I felt the heat rise up to my face.
"I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean it." I never have turned away so fast in my life. Just then the bell ringed.
"Anyways did you want to finish the project after school."
"Sure, we can do it at mine." I said packing up all my stuff.
"Do you need a ride?" I offered. "No I have one." He smiled and grabbed his books.
"Wait!" I take out my phone and hand it to him.
"Just put in your number and I'll send you my address." Clay quickly types in his number.
"See you soon." He hands me my phone back. I smiled and waved at him as he left.

Clays Pov
Some of this was from the last chapter by the way

It hit me out of nowhere. The alcohol wasn't helping my craving. I look around for someone to feed on, my eyes lock on a blonde girl in the corner. I slowly inch away from George going towards the girl. As soon as I get up to her I grab her by the wrist.
"Dude what the hell-" I look her in the eyes.
"Don't scream." She immediately obeys and stops talking.
I could hear the blood pumping in her heart. I move her hair out of the way to show we're her carotid artery is. The smell of my blood makes my fangs come out, also changing my eyes to red.

In the blink of an eye I sank my teeth into her neck. It was sweet and fresh. Not even a seconded later I felt like I needed more. So I push against the back of her neck to get more. I feel her going limp I needed feed off of her quickly not wanting to get caught. I pull away from her neck gasping for air. I open my eyes to see George staring at me, I stare at him as his eyes was focused on me and the girl, his eyes widen. He runs away through the crowd of people before I could catch him. That's when The girl falls to the ground dead. I pick her up and tell the people around me she's just drunk. I put her over my shoulder and leave the house with her. I push the thought of me almost getting caught before dumping her body in a random ally before heading home for the night.

Present time

I walk outside to see Nick sitting on my car.
"Finally dude, you take forever talking to Karl's friend." He hopped off and opened the door to get inside the car.
"Whatever, it's not like your the same with Karl." I get in and start the car.
"Do you have a blood bag?" Nick said digging through my bag.
"No I don't think so." He groaned.
"I'm so hungryyyy." He whined banging on the dashboard.
"You can get some when I drop you off. I have to be somewhere." Nick stopped before looking at me and smirked.
"Does my little Clay have a date." "I side eyed him.
"No I have a project idiot. "Yeah okay." I pull up to our house and kick him out of the car.
"See you later." "Yeah yeah." He skipped inside as I drove away.

I take out my phone and pull up George's number. His message was just a simple hey, here is my address. I set my phone down, driving the address sent to me. A few minutes later I show up to his house. I guess I was a little nervous, but I pushed away the feeling as I walked up to the door.

Before I could knock a boy with chocolate brown eyes opened the door and looked at me.
"Oh you actually came, you can come in." George smiles as he held the door open.

Word count: 1426

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