Chapter 4

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No warning this chapter. This is clays past and the project. This means it is the project/past please enjoy this chapter I put a lot of thought and research into this.

Clays pov

"Nice house you've got" I said as I walked in. It was a small house, perfect for a nice family of 4 or 5. I almost immediately noticed a girl that looked about George's age looking at me. George takes my hand and starts leading me to a direction. "My room is over here, along with my moms and sisters room." We enter a room that is mostly clean besides the pile of clothes in the corner. The bed is up near a window with a desk nearby it. You can sit on my bed, I'll start up my pc." He smiled. This is going to be interesting..I thought as I sat down.

George's pov

I started up my pc while Clay took out his notes. I noticed that he kept looking at me with a deep thought in mind. I didn't mind though, I thought maybe he was just looking around.
"So what do you want to do first." I turned around to face him. "Anything is fine with me, But if I had to make a suggestion I would start from the start of the era to the end." He smiled at me and reached over me.

"Let's start after the civil war."

Clays pov

It was 1861, I had just returned home from cilvil war. I look up to see our house, Mu family was pretty wealthy, Since my dad was the mayor. As I knock on the door to the house, I'm greeted by my dad. "
Theirs my boy!" My dad slapped the back of my head.
"I'm so glad you back honey!" My mom came to my side kissing my cheek.
"I'm glad to be back, and glad it's over." I smiled as I hugged both of my parents.
"Clem, come down your brothers home!" I heard the shuffling of feet and the floor boards creek. My sister came running down and hugged me tightly.
"I missed you so much." She had tears in her eyes. "Well I'm here to stay." My smile grew even bigger.

It had turned night now, the whole day was filled with catching up and settling in. It was so nice to finally be home with the ones I love. I look up to see my mom walk in.
"Honey we are having some friends coming over to celebrate." She smiled and pulled out a suit. I took it from her and thanked her. After putting on the suit I looked in the mirror, I looked nice enough but decide to fix up my hair. After messing around my hair I walk down into the lobby to be greeted by my friend.
"Nice to see you again Clay." He pulled me into a hug.
"I'm happy to see you back from war too, Nick." I smile as we pulled away.
"Lets get the show on the road shall we."

The whole night was many welcomes and thank you. The night wasn't near to the end, my friend was off talking to people leaving me by myself. I take a sip of my drink ignoring the slight burn from deep inside my throat. That's when they caught my eye. They were short, had chocolate brown eyes, dark brown hair and was wearing a basic black suit. He looked over at me and we looked eyes. He was beautiful.. He winked at me before disappearing into the crowd.

George sighed as he finished his last note. "This is boring, nothing interesting has happened yet." He got up and sat next to me. "Well I might have some actual history I could tell instead.." George looked at me and raised a eyebrow. "Go on tell me." He rested his head on my shoulder.


It had been weeks since I last saw the boy in the party. I was mesmerized by him, but it was weird he just disappeared out of thin air. My train of thought was interrupted by my sister coming in.
"Can you do my hair before the guest come?" "Sure, why not." She handed me the brush and sat down in front of me. I pull the brush through her hair.
"What's been on your mind dreamy?" I smiled at the nickname.
"Nothing much, I guess I'm just nervous."
"Whatever you say man." She giggled as I began pulling strands of hair and braid.
"So.. who is it." "What are you talking about." I sigh and look down at her. She is wearing a dark blue ball gown, with a white mask in the other hand to cover her eyes.
"Here's your mask for the masquerade ball." She put in besides me as I finished her hair. She got up and slipped her mask on. She almost was out the door before saying,
"I hope to see them their."

When we arrived to the ball, their were hundreds of people entering and getting out of their carriages. I put on my mask before heading inside. I walk in to see people greeting me and trying to start conversations. I excuse myself before I got caught up in something and walked into the ballroom. I look around to see people dancing to the music, the colors were so diverse in the room as girls skinned around in their dresses. I grab a glass of champagne and drink it as I watch everyone dance. I noticed Nick a few times with a boy, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

I felt a hand tap me on my shoulder. I turn around to see those same chocolate brown eyes from the weeks before. He was wearing the same clothes last time, his mask was white with gold on it.
"Seems we meet again?" He smiled and took my hand.
"I'm bored, shall we dance?"  I smile and we walk into the middle of the dance floor. He wraps his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his.
"I see you've had your eye on me." He says softly. I blush a little
"What can I say, I'm a curious person. And you interest me." I twirl him around then pull him close to my side again. The boy brought his face close to Clays ear.
"Curious hm?" He whispered softly. Clay felt heat get to his face.
"Being to curios is dangerous Mr. Lockwood." He looked into my eyes, his eyes travel to my lips. Our faces were inch's apart, before our lips touched he giggled and pulled away.
"I'll see you around, Clay." I blushed as he kissed my cheek. Then like last time he disappeared into the crowd.

"So our project is based on one of the original families." George smiled as he filled out his book.
"You seem to know a lot about the Lockwoods." George had a smile on his face, like he was finally interested.
"Well my Dad did know one of them once." Clay laughed lightly. Clay felt his shoulder lighten again. George had taken his head off of him and was focusing on his notes.

After the ball, Clay had arrived home to see a carriage at his house. He walks in to be greeted by the boy from the ball and his hand maid.
"Ah Clay, this is Mr. smith." The boy looked at clay and smiled.
"Nice to meet you again Mr. Lockwood." He took my hand and shook it.
"Show him to his room." Clays father said before heading inside. As they headed inside and up the stairs, he brought the boy to the guest room.
"How long will you be staying with us, Mr. mystery." "Not long it might seem." The boy sat on the bed.
"What's your name?" Clay sat down next to him.
"Why would you like to know." The boy had taken off his mask and shoes setting it to the side. Clay grabbed him by the chin making the boy look at him.
"Well I would like to know who I'm dealing with."

"So in short that was the year 1860 and the near end to the Victorian era." George smiled as he set down our notes. "Well done guys, that's an easy A." The teacher smiled and dismissed the class for the day. "It was nice working with you" George smiled, he then saw George's face drop a little. "Don't worry we can still hang out." I smiled and patted his back. George looked up at Clay and smiled.

"I'll see you around Clay."

Word count:1450

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