Chapter 4

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Mitsuki walked away from the trial room with Sakura by her side.  

Sakura- "Hey Mitsuki?"

Mitsuki- "Yeah."

Sakura turned to Mitsuki.  

Sakura-  "What do you think Pochikuma is willing to do next?"

Mitsuki- "Anything.  Anything at all."

Sakura sighed and looked down in disappointment.  

Sakura- "Not if we stop it!"

Mitsuki smiled and nodded.  

She admired Sakura's hope and belief.  

Mitsuki- "Yeah, maybe...  well, next motive won't work on us!  Right?"

Sakura- "Right!"

Both smiled and laughed a little.  

Mitsuki turned to her room and waved away.  

She plopped on her bed and sighed.  

She promised that the next motive wouldn't work on them, but she couldn't control that.  

'God, why are we even here?'

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