The sky darkened outside, it was night.
In all honesty Mitsuki was scared to sleep, what she just witnessed was horrifying.
She was sure she'd have nightmares.
And it didn't help that she was sleeping in the room next to Nakajima, the same person having some form of *breakdown* if you could call it that, she was terrifying during that trial.
'What if she keeps doing that?
Is she normally like that?
no she's normally numb and calm
What in the hell was that then?!'Mitsuki decided instead of going to sleep she'd peak into Nakajima's room.
She saw Nakajima holding her stuffed bunny tight and spinning around.
Nakajima- "This will be very exciting indeed Sakaruki-Chan, we'll make them all proud and terrified won't we? Whoever put us here, we'll get free. We only need to befriend a few of these people, and I already know who i want to be my friend! Rehehehe."
Nakajima fell back onto her bed on her back still holding her bunny close, face still no emotion.
She showed no signs of sleeping until she turned a lamp next to her on, a little after Mitsuki heard a soft sound of sleeping from Nakajima's room.
She figured Nakajima was sleep and went to bed herself, but not before a bang was sounded down the hall.
Danganronpa: blind war(fanganronpa)
Gizem / GerilimA game of kill to be killed! Cover & Drawn Art and trial credit to @KittenMittensOvO seriously go check out their art book they're amazing