Chapter 1

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Mitsuki had decided to walk around to see who had what object.

She'd already seen Nakajima had a stuffed bunny.

She looked around the halls and saw Suzuki, holding in her hand a picture of a woman who looked like her but older.  

Mitsuki: "Hey, Suzuki-San!  "

Suzuki nodded still staring at the photo in the bronze frame.  

'she probably doesn't want to talk, honestly i wouldn't either, if i'm correct, that must be a photo of her mother.  if i had a photo of my family,  i'd probably try and stay alone, i might even have just locked myself away...'

Mitsuki loves her family, their the only ones who helped her train /besides nakajima before she disappeared/  eventually she could carry her father around the house like it was nothing and lift her mother, and she gained the title of Ultimate Athlete when she kept winning various competitions, from running to swimming to lifting she did it all.... and now she was here, a place she might just die.  

Mitsuki hadn't noticed but she was walking the whole time and bumped into a delightful girl, 

Mitsuki: "Sakura-San!  Sorry sorry about that, i wasn't looking i was-"

Sakura: "Thinking?  Yeah so was I!  "

Mitsuki noticed Sakura was holding a sunflower pot close to her.  

Mitsuki: "Oh, you got a sunflower?  i got my medal back.  "

Sakura: "Yeah!  This is my favorite thing back home!  I planted it a long time ago and it survived for sooooo long!  "

Mitsuki: "Cool!  I got my first, #1st place medal back, it has a photo in it..."

Sakura: "That's great!  Y'know we aren't doing anything that dumb dog-bear wants us to!  I'm sure we'll all make it out alive!  "

Mitsuki nodded in agreement, but she still was doubtful.  

Sakura opened her mouth to say something but then blinked and turned around.  

Mitsuki: "Are you okay?"

Sakura: "Yeah i'm fine!  I just got distracted!  Sorry!  "

Mitsuki: "It's fine, if you need to go then go ahead, i was planning on leaving soon anyway."

Sakura nodded and scurried off.  

Mitsuki kept walking and as she did she saw Miona and Shizuko, who was still speckled with blood, just really sitting there, as if they were only communicating through thought, or just silently.  

Mitsuki noticed Miona's item was a embroidering kit in a case, as she was walking she noticed she reached a familiar set of stairs, but this time was different...

this time.....

there was a dead body on the stairs with a few cuts and a snapped neck.

Mitsuki screamed in horror, as she did Miona and Shizuko rushed in Miona was more quiet than ever before if that was even possible and looking in disgust while Shizuko started laughing hysterically.  

Then a screen lit up...

~A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED! After a certain, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!  Until theeeeeen though... GO ON AND COLLECT EVIDENCE!~

The screen darkened again and the three in the room looked to each other, Nakajima still hissing laughter, Miona still shivering and looking terrified, and Mitsuki attempting to look at the body and evidence without gagging.  

She found the following evidence, 

 ☑ a plant pot☑ the snapped neck☑ the blood and cuts on the body☑ the blood on the stairs ☑ rope tied to a pole above☑ who's item was who's ☑ Alibi

As she and the other two were wrapping up the light on the screen lit up


Soon everyone found themselves in  room with podiums for each student.  

Mitsuki placed her hands on the podium, and looked around, Nakajima had stopped laughing and everyone was terrified for what was to come.  

'let's get this going, time


for a trial!'

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