Chapter 2

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Padmé stood up from her comfortable place on the couch. She might be a pacifist and Sabé might have been the closest friend she had ever had, but Padmé would not allow this to continue. With her dress fanning out behind her Padmé's face turned to steel. Her voice boomed, steady showing no fear, not bothering to use an official tone to hide her anger, "Get out of my home right now. My private information isn't yours to share. I am not just someone you can yell at Sabé, I am your Senator. Was your Queen. You will not be allowed to return here until I receive an apology, and tell Captain Tonra that all missions assigned to you or him have been canceled."

Sabé looked downward before Padmé could pick up on her expression, "It will be done. But I am not ready to let this drop yet. I will be back for you Padmé, my hands will soon again be yours." She looked into the stark brown eyes across from her. "Being too close has its costs. Leaving for a break will be productive for both of us."

Sabé turned to the rest of the handmaidens watching them, "Keep her safe." Sabé walked with her head held high out of the apartment. Tonra would be disappointed, he loved traveling. A disadvantage of living and sleeping with Sabé it seemed. I guess he will continue having to eat at Dex's for some time longer, luckily he loves the food.

Padmé turned to the handmaidens with shame, "She's right. Right about everything. But this wasn't the way I planned to tell you all." She sat back down with a sigh. The medicine had kicked in but her heart hurt. She felt guilty for raising her voice, Padmé rarely did it. Sabé only spoke the truth and she was punished for it. But she knew that she had to take the upper hand, her reputation would depend on it.

Noticing the downcast air that Padmé gave off Yané decided to speak up. Yané and her wife Saché had both been handmaidens, and Padmé had only encouraged them when they both chose paths for themselves. Saché had joined politics on Naboo, always depending on Padmé for advice. While Yané had taken in orphans with financial support from Padmé. They would have never has made it to where they were without her. It was only right that Padmé got to have the same happiness as the rest of her handmaidens. That was why when she had learned that Padmé had gotten married, in secret without any of them knowing she was only happy for her. Supportive in any way she could be. So Yané went to work.

"Congratulations Padmé." Yané gave her a bright smile. "I know that this was something you have wanted since your sister had children. I also know that the timing might not be ideal, but I understand your reasoning." Yané moved to sit right next to the woman, her bright purple dress clashing with the Senator's pink and black. "You both have demanding jobs and can barely spend time together, both constantly in danger. Why not have something in your life that any other couple normally could do. Why not have it all." Yané pulled Padmé into a hug, "Sabé is concerned for you. We all are. But we are also all going to support you and make this an easier transition for you. You have us all until Anakin comes back and even after that. You can always contact us back home on Naboo."

Padmé pulled Yané closer and held her tight. Padmé began to cry much needed tears.


"Anakin you look disgruntled, usually you are excited to run off to fight." Obi-Wan stood at the door of his Padwan's bedroom while Anakin packed up his few belongings.

"It's multiple months master. I do have a life here on Coruscant, connections here." He responded while putting a few robes into his bag. Anakin wasn't shocked, he could sense his Master walking down the hall a few seconds before.

"Attachments do make it harder to leave. Which makes a trip like this a good exercise for you Anakin, separating yourself from those you care for for an extended period of time." Obi-Wan walked into the cramped bedroom looking at all of Anakin's recent collections of scrap and metal. He was worried Anakin would protest leaving but Obi-Wan trusted the force that Anakin wouldn't betray his duty. It had been harder for them to go on missions together since Ahsoka left, but hopefully this would help them get closer again.

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