[ 44 ] Best Friends or Rivals?

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Oli are you proud of me? I updated again (:

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"This is fucking stupid." Nayeon mutters out.

"I would have to agree with you on that." Y/N replied.

The two were, as PD-nim had asked from them, 'bonding' with one another in order to be a good unit. They were stuck in a recording room, no one else but them in the same place and neither was allowed to leave unless they were to use the bathroom or get something to eat or drink. They were basically being forced into liking each other whether they like it or not.

Used to being quiet, Y/N looked around the room, taking in the little details she could see with her eyes. Nayeon on the other hand was the quote opposite. She loved to be loud and energetically friendly. The two were absolutely complete polar opposites from one another that it made Nayeon want to pull her hair out.

"Are you always this quiet?" She asks.

"Yes." Y/N simply replies, still looking around the room. Nayeon clenched her teeth against one another hard, irritated with the short one word response. At least Y/N said it formally.

Nayeon stands up, catching Y/N off guard at the sudden movement. She turns to face Y/N before slamming her arms on each side of the arm rest and pulling Y/N closer to her face, causing them to only be a few millimeters away. Flustered, Y/N shouted at the girl as she tried to look away. "What're you doing?!"

"Aren't you even a tiny bit angry?!" Nayeon asks.

"H-Huh?!" Y/N replied.

"We're stuck together because of you and Momo's stupid bipolar love and hate relationship, and now I'm forced to spend my precious time alone with you! YOU! I could be doing other things that are more important but now I'm gonna have to be around you basically every second of the day! So aren't you at least pissed at this?!"

"Of course I'm angry about this, too!" Y/N shouted back. "Do you think I wanted to start this mess?! Momo was the one who pursued me, not the other way around! You can't blame me when I didn't want us to cross paths again in the first fucking place but here we are! I'm stuck with loving her again yet she gave up on us so fucking fast even after promising me she would wait! How would you know how that feels?! I've already loss so much, and all she did was remind me of what I've lost four fucking years ago!"

The more Y/N shouted, the more Nayeon could hear the cries in her voice before watching as a tear slips through Y/N's left eye. It was only then when Nayeon fully took in Y/N's facial expression. The girl looked worn out and pale for someone who was more tan than white-skinned. The eye bags under the girl's eyes were evident of the lack of sleep she had been having the many nights 'till now. The puffy eyes that were already there, but became even more puffy for crying once more.

"I've already lost so much Nayeon-ssi. You have no idea what I've been through before getting to where I am now!"

Y/N was a wreck because of Momo, and all Nayeon could do was frown, her eyes soften at the younger woman's words and emotion. Nayeon began to tear up. "I-I'm sorry." She stuttered out. "I shouldn't have shouted at you, I'm sorry." She went to sit back down on her chair.

The room grew silent once more, but the only difference from before and now was Y/N's sniffles and cries were audible. Nayeon didn't know what to do. She made her hoobae cry because of her selfishness. She had made a bad first impression on the girl, and all she wanted to do now was be there for the girl.

Standing up, Y/N didn't notice the girl's actions but jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders. Looking up, her face was met with Nayeon's collarbone. She could hear the irregular heartbeat bumping against her ears. "You're right, I don't know what you've been through before you've came back into Momo's life. I'm sorry for getting angry with you. I was selfish to not want to care about your feelings until now. So please stop crying, I don't like seeing people cry."

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