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Chapter One

Sat upon her throne, Aelin contemplated why she ever wanted to become Queen. It wasn't all bad, of course, but moments like these - when she had to sit for hours every month and listen to pointless requests - she wished that Erawan had succeeded in killing her.

She had more important things to do; to discover. It was just recently that she'd learnt of a new world walking ability that had formed after forging the lock. She remembered falling through world upon world, until one male - a winged male - was kind enough to slow her down with a blanket of night. She wondered if she'd ever see him again, and the pregnant female by his side.

"Two of my sheep have gone missing and I'm certain that those Wyverns and their witches keep eating them."

Aelin rolled her eyes, "Look, Lord Elex, the wyverns live in the Western Wastes and in Adarlan with Dorian, so there's no chance they would've reached Terrasen without anyone noticing. Besides, you have nineteen other sheep to give you wool for your coats, I'm sure you'll be okay."

She dismissed him with a wave of her hand and called the next one up. The queen sighed when she saw his face - it was Lord Aeryn, a male known for his blatant misogyny. He often turned conversations into stories about himself, and how other males were superior. The ladies in the castle couldn't stand him.

"The other day I found-" He started to direct the question at Rowan, but Aelin's mate growled and nodded his head towards her. "She's your queen, don't speak me."

"Of course, Your Majesty," he bowed with distaste, "Yesterday I found a small rebel group causing trouble in the town square of Terrasen. My guards got ahold of one, who claimed they wanted everything back the way it was when the King of Adarlan ruled. They wish to see the fae gone once more."

Now that was interesting. Aelin would usually wear a dress, but today she was thankful that she'd donned her fighting leathers. Sometimes there were days when she was feeling low, when the memories of Maeve plagued her and she couldn't make an effort; couldn't get out of bed. But at least Fenrys and Rowan were always there to comfort her. Brushing aside her thoughts, the queen unsheathed Goldryn from her back and checked her waistband to make sure plenty of daggers were attached.

"I'll deal with it."

"I- shouldn't King Rowan?" Lord Aeryn spluttered, confused as to why this would be a female's job. Aelin ignored him for a second as she kissed her mate goodbye and jumped off the dais. When she passed his furious form, she stopped to give a little word of advice.

"I'd be more careful with how you speak to and treat women. Don't forget who helped win our war, or do you need a reminder? Was it not I who faced Erawan and Maeve? Was it not the help of the witches that gave our side an advantage? Was it not Lady Yrene of Adarlan that killed the Valg King? Show some respect."

He bowed and cowered at her seething gaze, but Aelin just continued through the double doors and into the courtyard beyond. The weather was luminous and clear like most days, but a nice breeze danced about in the sky, sifting through her golden hair. And as she walked past market stalls and street vendors, she was greeted by smiles just as bright as the sun.

"Look, it's the Queen!" a young girl shouted, running over and looking up with big green eyes. Freckles dotted her tawny brown skin, and her black hair was curled into ringlets that framed her face. Delicately pointed ears peeked through the strands which made Aelin smile - the fae really were starting to come back.

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