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Chapter Two

Feyre was in complete shock. She knew that Amren had fallen through a portal from another world many, many years ago, but seeing it happen up close was quite the experience. Not to mention what happened after the woman landed in the middle of their meeting. The male that fell after her must have been an enemy, considering how fast she was to cut off his head.

The beautiful stranger stood up, her black cloak a stark contrast against her golden-blonde hair. Her blue eyes were ringed with the brightest yellow that vaguely resembled fire, matching that of the metal sword strapped across her back; she was ethereal.

"I think-" Helion started, but when the girl glared at him, his lips instantly sealed. She surveyed the room - the large mahogany table; the throne-like chairs, the papers scattered on the surface as if they were planning something, and the violent amusement shining in Rhysand's eyes, and muttered, "What is this? The bad guy convention?"

"Maybe it is, " Feyre's mate laughed sarcastically, "So if you don't tell us who you are and where you came from- Oh," he cut himself off, "and the reason why you just chopped that male's head off, then we might be inclined to use our evilness on you."

"Big words for a little boy," she muttered. Of course the Queen knew that this fae male was nowhere near little (or lacking any muscle), but compared to Rowan... well, he was nothing. Rhysand, however, took great offence. He crossed his arms and sat further up in his seat, fingers drumming against the armchair in annoyance. Aelin simply raised a single brow.

She walked over to the window in silence and surveyed the outside world. It was stunning - hills layered in fluffy grass with bright flowers that littered the green, and trees swaying softly in the breeze. The sky was a canvas of pink and orange watercolours, constantly swirling through the clouds and around the sun, but never fading. It was as if the land was stuck in the permanent time of dawn.

The High Lords took her "distraction" as a chance to argue. Beron and Tamlin immediately burst into shouts about the girl's disrespect of coming into such an important meeting when she was a pathetic human, but the others were just confused as to who she was, and how she got past the wards. They all saw the swirling purple portal and wanted to know more.

"Be quiet!" The girl suddenly shouted, rolling her eyes, "Gods, I can't even hear myself losing the will to live."

"You dare order us?" Tamlin stood up, standing to his full height in order to intimidate the girl. His fear tactics didn't seem to be working, however, as she pulled a delicately carved dagger from her waistband and absentmindedly began picking at her nails with it.

"Tamlin," Thesan warned, "She's just a young girl."

Just a young girl, huh?

"I don't care. We are High Lords and she just interrupted a very important meeting, so she needs to be dealt with."

At that, the blonde looked up, "Dealt with? Look, Tamlin, I get it. I'm really trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but I... I just can't seem to get my head that far up my own ass. Now sit down and be quiet."

The High Lord of Spring did no such thing. He launched forward but was stopped by a shield of flickering red, courtesy of Cassian. Rhysand stepped forward and sighed, massaging his temples to desperately try and get rid of his growing headache, and spoke again. "Look," he started, "We just want to know your name and how you got here, alright? Is that too much to ask?"

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