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The ship docks back at phoenix drop as aphmau, Katelyn, garroth, laurance, and lady ro'meave Dock walking into the village. Dante looks over, "good you all made it back." Aphmau nods "how are the refugees doing?" "A little hurt but we got them reset up we're lucky noone was killed. "That's good well we have a great many to debrief you all on but first I'd like to get everyone settled to rest and get some breakfast." "Smart idea I'll get kawaii~chan to make you guys some pancakes you all just go rest you guys had a long trip." "Thanks Dante." "Anytime." Aphmau walks up to her house and sets down her supplies inside as Katelyn tails behind. "Hey you could've went back to your house I would've been fine." "No I don't know if you forgot this but I've made a pledge to protect you. Especially since Aaron's gone." She stays silent "yeah..."  "Sorry I know it's a tough subject." "Yeah it's fine I'm gonna go rest. Katelyn nods as aphmau goes upstairs to her room laying down.

The next morning

Aphmau wakes her stomach turning feeling extremely nauseated. "Ugh..." Katelyn brings a bucket giving it to aphmau. "Thanks." "No problem." Aphmau pukes in the bucket. "Ugh why am I feeling really sick." "Maybe its the constant action for the last week maybe now you're relaxing your body is getting a chance to catch up." "Hmm maybe I guess I'll try to rest then..." "Alright I'll make you some soup." "Thanks Katelyn you didn't have to." "Hey we're friends I'm happy to." She smiles. "Ok." She walks downstairs making soup as aphmau decides to rest.


Garroth, laurance, and Dante are outside joining the brisk breezy morning catching each other up on everything in their lives.  "So you have kids Dante?" "Yeah garroth a little girl and boy." "That's nice." Dante smiles softly "yeah both from someone I love or loved." "Yeah laurance what's happened with you?" "Well garroth a lot the world itself has changed a lot." "Yeah I mean this village looks  different tula is the major power even this ivy.  At least something is still the same my two brothers in arms." "Heh you got that right anyways when's that sparring match we were going to do?" "Oh right let me go make sure my kids and the village and kawaii~chan are good then we'll go. Garroth and laurance nod as Dante leaves.


The next day passes as Aphmau meets with Lucinda. "Hey Aphmau how did the scouting trip go?" "For the most part successful until Tu'la was alerted of our presence and we were chased out. Then I had to dress as Zane to draw out Ivy in hopes of capture which would've been successful had Laurence not engaged. I was lucky Katelyn and garroth we're there... Otherwise he would've torn me apart.." "that must've been tough pretending to be Zane..." "You have no idea..." Aph sighs heavily.

   "Anyways to change the subject I was wondering if you wanted to come on an errand with me." "Oh? Is it a girls errand?" "I mean you could say us." She coughs, "garroth, laurance." She coughs a second time. "Ah I see, so you mean no then."  "Yes, I mean no." "Are you sure aphmau? When was the last time you've had some girl time? Had time to just be you?" "Uh you're right, it has been a while, but I don't really need to-" she cuts her off "nonsense don't be silly! Everyone needs time to relax even you." She sighs "that's a nice thought Lucinda, but I'm not sure I'll have the time..."

   "Well if you don't need me for that, then what do you need me for?" I'm happy to help as always. I'll gladly do one of the crazy ideas you're planning." "Hey! Not all my ideas are crazy." "Ok really how w ass your trip to Oh'khasis?" "F-fine!" "Just fine did find what you were looking for?" "Thing got a little out of hand  Ok I get it! some of my ideas can be a little crazy." She chuckles "if fantastical is the same as crazy then you're right. Thank you for proving my point. So where are we going today?" "We're gonna go back into the sacred forest to see Hyria and we'd like you to. " Lucinda's demeanor changes completely.

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