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Aphmau sits in her house resting as kawaii~chan and nekoette are making cookies. "Kawaii~chan you really didn't have to.." "nonsense kawaii~chan is glad to make aphmau~senpai cookies." "Alright well thank you." She smiles warmly then looks over at the door. "So where did katelyn~sama go?" "She was training with Dmitri last I've known."

She nods as nekoette is struggling to follow instructions accidentally causing the ingredients to fall making a mess. "Whoops sorry Aphmau~senpai." "It's ok nekoette you're learning." Kawaii~chan sighs, "kawaii~chan wishes she could be teaching nekoette~tan some of her loves.

while I'm happy Dante~kun is teaching her combat it can be frustrating." "Well if anyone can teach nekoette it's you you just need to in your own special way. Maybe teach her some of the starting steps of magicks that could help out. We saw her learn it some when we were out there you could teach her how to focus and control it."

"Aphmau~senpai is right. Kawaii~chan will try it.." "that's good." Kawaii~chan sighs as nekoette finishes cleaning her mess up. "Nekoette~tan kawaii~chan would like to start teaching you magicks."  Nekoette's face brightens up. "Really mama~chan?" Kawaii chan nods, nekoette squeals excited, "I'm so excited to learn how to make magick arrows!" "Wait nekoette we must learn the basics!" "Woo whatever let's go!" "Wait what about oh nevermind." Aphmau softly laughs.

A few hours later.

Aphmau is tending to the livestock a bit hungry when Katelyn walks over . "Hey katelyn.." "hey aph.. you doing alright." "I'm doing alright just a little tired how did training with Dmitri go?" "It was fine mostly." "That's good we still on for our training session." "Yeah all good I was just checking on you since yesterday." Aphmau nods," well I'm going to be visiting with garroth about something he found on the island then I'm gonna talk with Vylad about Laurence with shadow knight his problem I wanna see how I can help him."

"Some people you can't help aph no matter how you try it's their choice to change..." "I know it's just if I can change something I'd like to have the chance to especially one of my friends..." "I admire that about you that and persistence to never give up, along with constant way 9f wanting to help people..." "There is a slight blush on her face, "it may be the reason I started falling in love with you..." "Did you say something katelyn?" The question makes her jump out of her skin. "Huh no no." Heat rises to her face,"well ok..." Aphmau says.

"In any case I won't keep you much longer go meet with garroth." "Will do talk later katelyn..." She nods as aphmau runs off

Aphmau and garroth continue trying through the forest as she stops to catch her breath  "feeling okay?" Garroth asks. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. How much farther is this place?" Garroth looks in the distance then back. "Not that far "  she sighs "I thought you went exploring in the ruins. Didn't you find anything there?" He sighs, "not really we saw Emmalyn and Kenmur, but they didn't have any information." She nods,"did you tell them about your relic?" He turns around taking a step looks down then faces back to Aphmau then speaks. "Are you crazy!? No, of course not! If I told them they would have started to poke and prod neon a instant. The last thing I want is to get them riled up about new discoveries. Especially when I am one of those new discoveries." She softly laughs then sighs, "you got a good point. Probably for the best right now. They might have tried to put you in a glass case and studied you further." He shudders, "I can see them doing that too. How about we change the subject! Come on we're almost there." "Mmhm." Garroth starts walking north continuing the trek as aphmau follows.

They arrive at the location where apau inspects it. "Is this...?" "Well... This is it."  "Wow you know just where to take a girl don'tcha." She jokes. "Oh yeah, it's a REAL hit with the ladies."  Aphmau laughs in response. "Oh I believe you." Sh continues laughing, "so what exactly is this place?" "Vylad and I were thinking it's some sort of small shrine. C'mon have a look inside." They both enter what looks like a shrine.  "Huh not much to look huh." "Yeah not really, but there's something about this place. I can't describe it. I feel like I've seen it before. "I think I know what you're talking about... I've admittedly had the same feeling before not with this place, but still... It's a weird feeling... Right?" "Very... I think this relic may have once  belonged to Esmund." "Esmund? What makes you say that?" He looks over at the sigil. "Well there's that. Esmund's sigil. That's a pretty strong sign." "Uh.. hahaha! Oh right that!  I um! I totally saw that!" She catches her breath "sorry  I'm.. still learning all the symbols..."  "I am not certain but it's something to go on. I'll probably try asking Emmalyn & Kenmur a couple questions to see if they know anything about Esmund, but I'll have to do it DISCREETLY." "Yeah definitely don't wanna excite them they'll tear you apart " she starts laughing again. "Hah! Don't remind me.

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