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Aphmau is grabbing her clothes from the well on the phoenix alliance island

"Good morning isabell." "Good morning." She replies. "Thank you for washing my clothes by the way "my pleasure I'm just glad you had something to change into for the time being!' "well uh..." "Did you want me to wash the bandanna you had around your arm?" "Uh no I can take care of washing that myself it's... Very special to me..."

"Oh! I understand sorry. Uh hm.. i-isn't it beautiful outside today!" She smiles "well you seem like you're in a good mood ." "It's just such a nice day! How can you not be happy?" "You have a good point." "Do you have anything planned for today then?" "Uh well actually.. I'm gonna be taking out leona and nekoette to explore the island it should be fun. Leona's been asking me if she could go and smell out the rest of the island ever since I've been back." "You mean that adorable cat-girl? Oh! Is it okay to call them cat-people? Is that offensive? I don't really know..." Aphmau softly laughs then sighs, "it's okay don't worry about it." "Good I think I'll hold back from calling her that, haha! That is really heartwarming though, that you're taking the girls out today!" "Yeah, I can't wait til Lilith is old enough for me to do that with her. I plan to teach her about hunting and everything." "Oh! Little Lilith a warrior! How adorable! Oh! I wonder if I have any catnip lying around. Do you know if meif'wa like catnip?" "Um... kinda, but some do some don't?" Isabell sighs, "guess I'll have to improvise."

"Well while you're improvising... Isabell can I ask you to watch over Lilith while I'm out?" Isabell smiles really brightly, "Sure! Of course you can. Just bring her over whenever." "Um are you sure?" "Don't be silly! There isn't much going on in the village anyway! I'll be around, and Zoey should be back later, she had to run to Phoenix Drop for a bit."

"Yeah it actually is pretty quiet around here. Um where is everyone?" "They're around. I know Brendan's with kiki, right now. But you should have been here sooner. Katelyn came to take Dmitri training...he's been trying to get out of it for most of the morning. I think he may have heard you were going out exploring with the girls." "Well then maybe I'll have to take him out for a hike sometime soon as well soon as well..." "Oh I also saw vylad, his brother, and Laurance. They went off toward the direction of the ruins. Anyway, maybe they were going to see to see how Kenmur and Emmalyn were doing. By the way, Vylad and his brother are so awkward around each other!" "His brother's name would be Garroth. Vylad's older brother. They... Haven't seen each other in a very long time... And I think they're getting used to one another still..." "Well it's adorable." Katelyn walks over with dmitri. "Hey aphmau both the girls are ready and I'm deciding to come with dmitri coming to." "Alright we'll that's amazing I guess we better get moving..." "After you." "Will do." "See you later isabell and I'll bring Lilith over in a minute." "Perfect. And have fun on your exploration!" "Will do." "Thanks again." "Alright c'mon Katelyn." Aphmau walks off to meet up with dmitri and the girls Katelyn following behind her.

When aphmau and Katelyn meets up with leona

Leona is waiting impatiently, "ugh. When are they getting here?! How much longer are we gonna wait?" "Calm down leona. It won't be that much longer..." "But I mean there's cso many things I could... I mean WE could be missing out on. Can we just go without them? Hehehe I'm sure they won't mind right?" Aphmau sighs "no leona... It won't be that much longer anyway... Just hold on for... One second!" "Yeah, but for every second we wait. That's a second Yip might be trying to be better than me." Katelyn sighs "aphmau I think lucinda was right leona for hating Yip as much as you say you sure do talk about him a lot." "I don't think i like where this is going..." "It just sounds like you're trying so hard to impress him.." "I agree Katelyn." "Impress ick! Blech! No.. HUMILIATE is more like it! I need to show him who is the new alpha of this pack!" "Uh huh sure..." Both Katelyn and aphmau softly laugh. "Whatever you say leona." Dante walks over with nekoette and dmitri in tow. "Aphmau, Katelyn hi!" Aphmau turns around "hey Dante!" "Thank so much for offering to take Dmitri and nekoette with you both." "This is so amazing I'm excited to explore with aphmau~senpai and Katelyn~sama." She accidentally shoots an arrow in the air. "It's no problem right leona?" "Yeah I guess..." "You're just going out around the island I forgot how big it is." "Yeah it's a lot bigger than we thought." "Alright well I'm gonna go hang out in the village wait for the guys maybe come get me when you're done..." Aphmau and Katelyn nod "will do." "Alright you three yeah ready to go exploring!" "Yes please!" "YEAH!" "yeah of course!" The group heads off to explore looking around the island.

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