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Third Pov

Garroth knocks on the door as aphmau looks up. "Aphmau I know it's hurting there's something I need to talk to you when you're ready come talk to me where the portal used to be." He leaves, "he hasn't talked to me since the funeral I should go talk to him."

Zoey walks through the door, "hey..." Aphmau acknowledges her. "Y'know besides the bags under your eyes...you look beautiful... Sorry if this is rude...but not only did I come to see you but also see lilith..
" "I-its fine I was going to see if someone can take care of her I want to try and get out of the house opening a window isn't enough anymore..." "If you want you can watch her..." "That's fine with me..." Aphmau nods getting up grabbing Aaron no her sword...

At the explosion where the portal used to be

Aphmau arrives where Garroth requested her. "So I've been thinking since I've been back everytime I go to where it happened the pain the helplessness it all plays...." She sniffles the memory happening. "That's why I try to avoid it if I stay away it helps...what about you...?" She looks down tearing.

"Oh what a wonderful sight!" The two look up aphmau immediately knowing who it is. Ivy the venom scythe... A former member of the jury of nine.. the one who hurt katelyn... "Oh is this a bad time...? Did someone you love just die..." Her word spit like venom to Aphmau making something in her snap. Suddenly she morphs to her irene form clashing against ivy. "Ooh good so the rumors are true...good this trip isn't for nothing. Ivy blocks her attack an aura of destruction flowing around her. "What the hell.." "oh oh oh this is PRICELESS YOU ARE THOUGHT YOU'RE THE ONLY SPECIAL PERSON!? NO LOVE THEY'RE MANY WITH THIS POWER!!" "SHUT UP!!!" "APHMAU HANG ON!!!" Garroth charges at to help aid,"it's best if we let the ladies to it." A werewolf blocks his attack. "Get out of my way..." He grits his teeth in resistance. "Gavin don't hurt him..." "You said the same of the last guy..." He knocks him out. "Garroth!" "He's a romeave..." "Oh interesting..." "WHAT DO YOU WANT IVY!!" "WE'RE HERE FOR THAT DELICIOUS RELIC YOU'RE HOLDING!" aphmau grits her teeth as she grits her teeth rage flowing through her. "He's not the only..." A shadow knight rushes in to save Garroth. "Another... Gavin we'll have to fall back..." "Now you're speaking my language..." "And we were just getting to the climax we'll be back..." The two disappear. Aphmau reverts back to her human self and dashes to Garroth's side.

"Garroth are you ok...?" "Yeah I should be fine but what was that..." "Ivy katelyn and I fought her until she was hurt by her then the explosion happened something seems evident from this attack Tula is setting movements I'll be doing a few things then we need to move on from here as war is looming..." He nods "agreed..."

-Souta 🌲🌲🌳

Word count 518

From Grief To Love| A Katemau mcd fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now