How are they with PDA?

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(PDA=Public Display of Affection.)


-This boy LIVES AND BREATHES PDA. Like he'll kiss you on the cheek no matter where you are, holding your hand constantly, an arm around your shoulder, or head in your lap even. He just loves physical contact.


-He doesn't really do PDA. He'll hold your hand or a rare kiss on the cheek, but that's about it.


-He's a shy boi. Hand-holding is really it. Anything else and he's as red as a tomato.


-Roxas loves hand-holding. He likes to know you're there and won't leave him like his friends did.


-She likes to kiss your forehead. You find it adorable.


-She likes PDA. Hand-holding is a must, but she'll usually just throw an arm around your shoulders or hold onto your arm.


-Namine gets embarrassed easily and is shy child, so hand holding will suffice. Maybe kisses on the cheek if you want to see her red face.

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