I don't remember what this is called... (Ventus)

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(FINALLY THE READER GETS A TIME TO SHINE LOL. Don't know if I'll do everyone in here but who knows?

Also I seriously forgot what this is called so...help? (Is it relationship headcanons, Ventus headcanons? What is this-)

Anyway here you go.)

-You two met when Ventus was brought to the Land of Departure by Xehanort.

-He was so shy and nervous around you it was adorable. 🥺

-Like he'd try to talk to you but he'd run away and Terra had to drag him back there.

-He eventually warmed up to you though so yay!

-He liked to stargaze with you more than Terra and Aqua for some reason. He was confused about that but Eraqus said it was because he liked you.

-"Of course I do, we're friends!"

-Cue sigh and shake of head from Eraqus.

-Ven was interested in astronomy and liked finding the constellations in the sky and pointing them out to you.

-You liked listening to him talk about his day, the stars, pretty much anything honestly.

-Terra teased you guys constantly and Aqua kept telling him to stop. It eventually came to Terra doing it when Aqua wasn't around. Not that it was any less annoying.

-So basically everyone ships you guys but Ven is dense child.

-Until Terra gave him advice (Ven why would you listen to Terra  w h y-) and Ven tried asking you out by giving you flowers.

-Terra was confused why that didn't work when Ven came back with the flowers and he was sad. 🥺

-"Ven I don't need flowers I just want to be with you. It doesn't matter what we're doing as long as we're together."

-Ven was happy again and dragged you outside to stargaze.

(Yeah idk what this is but here?)

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