chapter 4- I need help

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This chapter may not be suitable for some people. if you know that some subjects can upset you. please check the description.

Anyway enough with that on with the story.

- Thursday

X walks into Five's room. The room was empty with only a bed inside. It had tape and pins on the wall implying that posters and paintings were once hung up. The walls were purple and the floor was fluffy white carpet. so fuffy x could probably just sleep there. X walked over to the bed and slowly cried himself to sleep. X woke up in a dark room tied to a chair with a screen infront of him. The screen turned on to his parents dead bodies. X has tears fall from his eyes as he starts to shake. He feels as if all the air has been sucked out of the room as he desperately tries to catch his breath causing him to hyperventilate. X tries to close his eyes but he can't. He tries to look away but he can't. X tries to cover his eyes with his hands but he can't.

X yells. "I don't want to see it anymore!"

"It's scary. I don't like it. I want it to stop!" X cries.

X hears a voice that's sounds like himself come out of speakers that X swears was not there before.

"I will only stop if gdftdgf." The voice said.

"Stop if what?" X asked desperately.

"I will only stop if rvvrvtnjy." The voice repeated.

"If what? I can't hear what your saying! If what?" X asked through his tears.

X looks back at the screen. The video moves off of the sight of his parents onto a knife.

The voice speaks . "There's a way you can see your parents again all you have to do is yfdigyder."

"I- no I- s-stop." X cried.

"You can be with them you just have to dyyfyctxd." The voice said.

"No I don't want to!" X yelled.

"I don't want to d-" X cut himself off.

He woke up. It was just a dream. X gets off the bed shaking. He walks to the door handle then hesitates and thinks about when he opened the front door to his house to reveal his parents body's. X shakes it off and opens the door with shakey hands. He noticed it was dark.

'How long was I asleep' X wondered.

X slowly walked down the hall still shakeing until he was infront of four's door. X softly knocked on four's door. Four heard the knock and opened the door.

"What's wrong X?" Four asked.

"I-i had a nightmare." X responded.

"What about?" Four asked as he grabbed X's hand and walked him over to his bed.

"I... Was tied to a chair and was forced to see my parents. Then this v-voice came out of nowhere and told me... And told me- I don't remember but the screen stop showing my parents and showed a knife. then the voice came back and I couldn't really tell what they said. but... I think t-they wanted m-me dead. Then I woke up." X said crying near the end.

Four didn't know what to say. He hugged X.

"Why do I keep thinking about it Four. Why can't it go away. It's over but I still think about it." X said as he cried

"X it happened yesterday of course you keep thinking about it. Your gonna be thinking about it for a long time. I wish I could make you happy x. I hate seeing you like this but-." Four stoped.

"X! I know you don't want my help but I think I know how to make it so you don't think about it as much."

"H-how?" X asked.

"You could sign up for tharpy. It probably won't solve the problem imdeatly but it should help." Four suggested.

"I'll think about it Four." X said.

"Okay." Four said

"You get some sleep now. okay X?"

"Okay Four."

Words: 641

Umm sorry that was very sad the next chapter should be happier... I think. I hope you have a good day. Your amazing and wonderful. Have a good day! I hope I didn't ruin it with this chapter.

(Also no picture because I don't want to draw sorry.)

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