Chpt 13

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I wake up in the morning the sun peeping in from the curtains.
Looking to my left I see a sight that could melt any heart.
Lucia and Eoghan sound asleep Lucia laying on his chest him holding her securely.
I reach over to my bedside table and quickly grab my phone to take a picture of this moment and save it forever.
I turn my phone on silent and take a few pictures.
Their so sweet together I don't know why I didn't want him to know about her.
I could only imagine how adorable they would have been when she was a tiny newborn.
He seems like the type of person that would savour every single second of a baby clutching onto their finger with their whole hand.
Even though Lucia is still a baby I miss her being a tiny newborn they grow so so fast.
I wonder if Eoghan is annoyed at me for not telling him about Lucia sooner.
I get up walking to my wardrobe
Looking at my options.
Most of these clothes I haven't worn since Lucia was born in an attempt to look older and more mature.
Maybe I should try to stop being more like an adult in the way I dress.
I'll only be a teenager once I should embrace it.
I pick out a crop top and ripped high waisted skinny jeans.
I go to the bathroom to shower and change.

When I go back into my room Lucia and Eoghan aren't there.
He probably took her downstairs to feed her.
I make my bed and put Lucia's blankets in her room.
I go downstairs and see that Eoghans attempt to feed Lucia has turned into a game of dodge ball.
I laugh as Lucia throws a slice of toast at him as he quickly dodges it.
"You have to pretend that your going to take away her food or else she'll throw it at you"
He gives me that you could have told me that look before Lucia throws a piece of a banana at him.
I burst out in laughter as he turns back to Lucia.
"Alright then miss Luci"
He takes what's left of the food on the tray on her high chair and moves it away.
She reaches out for the food her hands grasping air.
He gives her a slice of toast which she then starts chewing on.
"Yes Cas?"
"Are you able to stay today aswell?"
"Good because I need your help decluttering"
"What are you getting rid of Cas?"
"Lucia's baby stuff"
He turns to look at me while giving Lucia another slice of toast.
"Are you sure you want to throw them out?"
"Yeah i mean we can donate the stuff that can be reused"
"The bottles and all that will have to be thrown out"
I walk over to the fridge and look inside it.
"Are you sure you want to get rid of all that baby stuff?"
I turn around to look at him.
"Why would I need to keep it?"
"It's not like I'm going to have another baby"
I turn back around and continue looking in the fridge slightly unsure of what I said.
I'm pretty sure I don't want to have another kid,I mean I'm 100% sure.
Lucia will forever be my only kid.
"What do you want to start with Cas?"
"Maybe her clothes Eoghan"

Futile absolutely futile.
Every thread and fiber of those clothes have memories attached to them.
I had to leave the room because I couldn't stop crying and needed a break.
Where did the year go where did my little baby go.
Is it going to be this hard every time she becomes a year older.
I try my best to sound like I'm not crying.
I bite my tongue.
I let out a horribly pitched squeak.
A wave of dizziness comes over me and I start swaying.

(Eoghans pov)
I catch Lucia's little hands as she falls towards me in the last few steps.
Cassidy lets out a squeak of some kind.
Before I even have time to get up and check her I hear a thud.
I pick Lucia up and go into the hall to find Cassidy crumpled on the floor,Pale as a ghost.
I quickly put Luca in her crib before rushing back to Cassidy.
I pick her up and carry her to her room, placing her on the bed.
Anxiety starts to build up as I think about what to do.
Should I call an ambulance?
I don't know if her head it the floor hard or not.
Lucia starts fussing and whining in her room.
I pick up my phone and call emergency services it's always better to be safe then sorry.
Although guilty about letting her be in the ambulance by herself,I honestly don't think I should be in a hospital waiting room with a one year old.
Besides they have probably already called her parents.
While Lucia is napping I pick up the clothes Cassidy and I were going through and put them back.
I sit on Cassidy's bed for a moment to think.
I think about the past few months the past year.
Cassidy becoming a mother.
She puts so much pressure on herself and doesn't forgive any mistakes or slip ups that happen.
He doesn't let herself act like a teenager.
I understand that she has to step up and be responsible but so do I.
I think the main difference is that she doesn't give herself breaks.
I take breaks to be with my thoughts and process everything filter it and have a better clearer mindset.
I think she's afraid of doing anything that could possibly be considered immature now.
I don't think her parents are a reason why she doesn't forgive herself for momentary immaturness they understand that she's still a teenager and it's to be expected.
I think Cassidy needs to consider talking to another teenage mother.
Someone who's in the same boat and situation as her.
I think it might be too much too soon but I think she needs to come back to school.
At least she can be around others her age there.
She wouldn't be so alienated.
But that's a huge leap.
Things like this need to be taken one step at a time.

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