Chpt 4

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"I see your up."
I let go of his hand immediately but instantly regret it.
"Sorry pomodoro I tried to pry you hand off mine but your grip was too strong"
"Nothing to be sorry about"
We lie there together in the awkwardness of it all.
What day is it?
"It's Friday"
Don't we have school today?
"Probably but it's a half day so most of the teachers and students don't show up"
I move closer and snuggle close to him.
He wraps his arm around me moving his hand up and down my arm soothingly.
"Anything planned for the weekend?"
Nothing,how about you?
"Chloe is throwing a part because our parents are away"
"So I'm in charge of getting the alcohol since I'm 18"
"She'll probably invite you later"
I don't know if I'll be allowed to go.
"You could just sneak out"
You clearly haven't met Riley yet.
"Who's Riley"
My parent.
"Why won't Riley let you go to the party"
Their extremely overprotective.
Mom might let me go though.
I've nothing to wear though.
"Chloe has loads of party dresses"
I'm guessing Milo is going as well.
"Why else do you think he's orange"
I've learned not to question Milo.
What time is it?
We should get up.
"What's the point we're not going to get any sleep tomorrow"
Where are Milo and Chloe?
"They have an important test today so they had to go into school"
Chloe said you have a diary?
"Only when I'm on holidays or travelling"
"Where did that pop up from?"
Which question?
"The one about me having a diary"
Random thoughts pop into my head all the time.
My phone rings and I look at the caller ID.
Hi mom!
"Hey Cassidy"
What's up?
"Riley's on the way to pick you up early"
"We need to talk"
About what is everything ok?!
"We'll talk about it later."
"Bye Cassidy"
Bye Mom?
She hangs up and I sit there for a moment thinking of all the bad shit I've done since I was like 5.
"Everything ok Pomodoro"
You need to leave.
Riley will Kill you if they find out about you.
Eoghan gets out of the bed and goes to open the door but there's a knock on it just before his hand hit the handle.
The door opens and he's left standing there face to face with Riley.
"Anyway Chloe said thanks for you letting her borrow your dress"
Tell her I said any time.
"Excuse me"
I wave goodbye as Eoghan walks out the door.
"Who's he Cassidy"
He my friends brother.
She has a test today so she got him to return the dress.
"Can you hurry up"
I get out of the bed and Riley looks me up and down.
"You look good enough come on"
I walk out the door as Riley closes it behind them.
Is everything ok?
Riley doesn't answer the question and just walks on.
We meet Chloe in the corridor.
"Hey Cassidy thanks for letting me borrow the dress"
Not a problem.
Hey can you lock my room for me I'll get the keys off you tomorrow.
I toss my room key to Chloe and catch up with Riley.
*Time skip*

Dear Diana,
It's five hours until Chloe's party.
Riley and Mom didn't have anything important to tell me they just wanted me home.
I'm definitely gonna have to sneak out to the party as with the suggestion of going out mentioned to both of them got a negative wrap.
That's all for now.
Cassidy the pomodoro.
"Hey Cassidy?"
I look up from writing.
Hey mom.
"Do you still want to go to that party"
"You can go out"
"Yes just don't tell Riley"
I've nothing to wear.
"I'll drop you over at Chloe's house so you can get ready with her"
"Don't question it love"
*Time skip*
I'm looking in the mirror in a dress I borrowed from Chloe.

"I'll drop you over at Chloe's house so you can get ready with her"How-"Don't question it love"*Time skip*"Cassidy"I'm looking in the mirror in a dress I borrowed from Chloe

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