Chpt 8

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__________6 years later__________
________*Eoghan's pov*__________

It's been six years since I've had contact with Cassidy.
So much has changed in that six years I'm now 24 and in my final year of college.
Chloé is traveling all around Europe with her boyfriend.
Milo is married in some forgien country, We had a falling out after the loss of contact with Cassidy.
Cassidy hasn't been heard of since.
She must have given up or transferred schools because she wasn't there when the school opened up after midterm.
It was painful getting over her.
I only realised a few weeks ago that I was completely head over heels for her.
I tried contacting her parents a few times with no avail.
My mother seems to think that it's excellent that I don't have contact with Cassidy anymore.
My father strongly disagrees.
I've learned how to control and better my supernatural abilities.
I've moved out of my parents house.
I've never given up hope on finding Cassidy again.
I sigh and breath in the crisp cool winter Morning air.
I put my thoughts about the past aside and focus on my present and future.

I've two exams to study for.
I take a detour through the park and pass by the playground taking a quick glance then stopping.
It can't be it looks so much like her.
She turns around.
I jog up to her.
She freezes and turns around slowly.
My mouth moves but no sound emits.
We just stand there looking into eachothers eyes.
Cassidy snaps out fo her trance and turns to the little girl on the monkey bars.
"Well done Sweat heart"
I'm shocked.
The girl drops down from the bars and runs over to us.
Black hair,tan skin the same eye shape as mine but Cassidys eye colour.
I keep looking at her and then to Cassidy.
"Is she-?"
"She's yours"
The girls head tilts in confusion.
I crouch down to be at eye level with her.
"What's your name?
She holds Cassidys hand as I stand up again.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was terrified Eoghan"
"Mammy who's he"
We both look at Lucia.
Cassidy turns to me and I nod.
"He's your dad Lucia"
Lucias face changes between shock and confusion.
I smile at her.
She smiles weakly back at me.
My watch starts vibrating I need to get to my lecture.
I turn my attention back to Cassidy.
"Sorry Cassidy I've a lecture I've to get to"
She nods.
I couch down to Lucia again.
"Bye Princess"
I smile and ruffle her hair and stand up again and say my goodbyes to Cassidy.
I kiss her cheek "Bye Pomodoro"
"Bye Eoghan"
I jog and wave at Lucia before turning around and jogging back to them.
"Do you have a new phone number Cass?"
She nods.
I give her my phone so she can put in the new number.
Shocked I turn to Lucia.
"Can you pwush me on the swing?"
I nod.
She skips to the swing and sits on it.
I go behind her and start pushing the swing.
Cassidy gives me my phone back.
"You should get going Eoghan"
I shake my head.
"Today I want to get to know my little princess"
Cassidy smiles sadly.
I give Lucia another few pushes.
"I'm so sorry Eoghan I should have told you when I found out"
I shake my head.
"You were scared Cassidy I understand why you didn't tell me"
She nods.
"I'm surprised that Lucia is so open to me"
"She's been asking about her father for ages, I didn't know what to tell her because I honestly didn't know if we would meet you again"
I nod.
"Whens her birthday?"
"December 23rd"
"Her middle name is actually Noelle"
I smile "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl"
Cassidy blushes and glances away.
Lucia jumps off the swing mid ark and lands squatted on the ground.
She spots another girl around her age and runs up to her to make a new friend presumably.
I turn to face Cassidy.
"I'm so sorry Eoghan"
"I'm sorry too Cassidy I should have tried harder to find you"
"Plus I owe you six years of child support"
She shakes her head "Nonsense"
*Cassidy's pov*
He keeps insisting on me giving him my bank account details so he can pay the child support.
He doesn't owe it to me he never knew about our daughter.
Which is my fault.
What shocks me the most is how accepting Lucia is to Eoghan.
Maybe she knows by looking at him that he is.
Eoghan didn't take 2 seconds to connect the dots by looking at her.
I'm a bundle of nerves part of me wants nothing much to do with Eoghan except him having contact with Lucia, the other part of me wants to be wrapped in his arms again.
I look at Eoghan lifting Lucia up and spinning around.
She's already got him wrapped around her little finger.
It was wrong to keep them apart I shouldn't have even thought about it let alone do it.
I feel incredibly anxious about Laura's reaction she never liked me all the more reasons to hate me for not telling her son about his daughter.
I'm also extremely confused how did Lucia and Eoghan click so fast maybe they still haven't processed it properly.
I sit down on the park bench my head spinning from this whole situation.
Beep beep beep
My head is still spinning as I open my eyes it was all a dream.
I quickly turn of the alarm before it wakes her.
I shiver thinking about it.
It seems creepy.
One of those dreams where you wake up wondering if it really happened or not.
I glance at the crib next to my bed.
I sit up and look at the sleeping infant memorised by her sleeping.
I wonder if that's how she's going to look when she's six years old.
She's the image of her father.
Black wavy hair tan skin even his eye shape.
I don't think anyone was thrilled when I said that I wanted to keep the baby.
Even I was somewhat dredding it.
Just another one of those pregnant teenage whores with the father of the baby no where in sight.
Eoghan doesn't know about our daughter.
I've had those recurring dreams about him finding out about her.
I should tell him about her before it's too late.
Six months ago I gave birth to Our daughter I named her 'Lucia Noelle'
I had no particular reasons to choose those names they were just the first to come to mind.
Lucia is an angel of a baby.
She's quite and plays with her toys and rarely fusses.
I don't know how I got so lucky with her.
I get out of bed and walk over to the cot leaning over it looking at her.
I wrap her in her blanket and pick her up gently so she doesn't stir.
I walk down stairs and into the kitchen taking my usual place at the table.
Riley is gone to work and Mom is still asleep so it's just Lucia and I.
Just the way I like it.
I cradle her in my arms stroking her hair softly.
I've made up my mind.
It's time to tell Eoghan about Lucia.

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