Chpt 2

13 2 0

Dear diary,

It's been a few weeks since I first moved into this school.
I was immediately accepted into Chloe,Milo and Eoghans friend group and Chloe now considers me to be her sister.
It took a week or two to get used to being in their close knit group but now it's like I've been part of it all along.
Eoghan is a year older then me, Chloe and Milo a year younger then me.
Chloe you could describe as a preppy girly girl, her hair and makeup always flawless and every outfit matching the accessories and shoes to perfection.
I however always look extremely thrown together next to her.
My frizzy strawberry blonde hair forced into two Dutch plaits with two ribbon bows at the ends to cover the elastic.
Even though I'm wearing a dress that Chloe gave to me I feel very out of place in it.
I don't think the preppy girly style is for me but she practically forced the dress into my hands so I couldn't refuse.
She also gave me a lot of her makeup that was too pale for her but perfect for me.
She really has become like a sister to me.
Milo is the comedic one of our group.
He's extremely outgoing,Witty and downright hilarious.
But sometimes he can be extremely stupid.
But we all can be stupid at times he just likes to laugh at his mistakes instead of never mentioning them again.
He may or may not have stolen a pair of Chloe's high heels and ran around the school in them while she was chasing after him.
He ended up falling and cutting his legs on the ground and had to get stitches. After all of that he said "I regret nothing"
Eoghan tried to be the serious one of our friend group. But he's usually extremely layed back. Not to mention that's he's the most handsome person I've ever met.
The way his hair curls ever so slightly at the edge.
His fit physique and the way his eyes look like pools of honey when the sun hits them.
We go to the library every day an hour after school ends to listen to my books songs melodies and stories.
Out of the three of them we've become the closest.
Great now I sound like I have a crush on him.
Ok maybe I have a small crush on him.
I have to go now because Chloe is making me go shopping with her,
Bye for now,
I set down the old diary.
Give me strength.
I look down at the small baby next to me and pick up the infant.
I hold her for a few minutes and look at her peaceful sleeping face.
Let's hope your not a trouble maker like your brother Missy.
I relax back into the pillows of the bed and open the diary again.

Hello again diary,
Shopping with Chloe wasn't that bad after all.
Well maybe that's because she insisted on paying for everything.
It feels weird telling you everything and not giving you a name.
Perhaps you can be like a secret friend that nobody knows about.
I shall call you Diana.
Anyway that's besides the point-

I set down the diary again as the baby lets out an almighty cry.
Shhh shh love it's ok.
I open my blouse and while nursing the baby I return to the diary.

- I'm sposed to be studying but now I hate studying.
I'll probably end up writing the answers on my thigh under my skirt again.
I'm mid way through reading the wind in the willows again
I know I've read it before but I wanted to re read it.
Chloe's re organising my wardrobe and vanity at the moment since its apparently "not up to her standards"
I'm rolling my eyes while writing that.-
I look up from writing in my diary.
"A little help would be nice"
Oh no Chloe you brought this all on yourself.
"Are you writing a story or something?"
"Can I read it sometime?"
NO- I mean not for another few years.
"It's a diary isn't it"
"That's alright I have one and so does Eoghan I believe"
I must look confused because she Carry's on.
"Yeah I know you wouldn't expect Eoghan to have a diary.
"Anyway into the bathroom you need a makeover"
Do I really need a makeover.
"Yes now hurry up"
I get up and walking into the bathroom and notice that the wax melting whatever it's called is on the counter.
Why me.
Dear Diana,
Chloe is snoring on the air mattress that she's sleeping on tonight.
My skin is now "perfectly" exfoliated my nails "the perfect almond shape"
And the only hair left on my body is my perfectly shaped eyebrows and on my head.
Otherwise it's all waxed off.
She's fought my hair into two extremely tight Dutch plaits so it will be curly tomorrow.
She's also staying over so she can do my makeup and pick my outfit for school.
I can't imagine what type of pink dress that she's going to put me in.
I'm exhausted but yet a little excited for what's to come tomorrow.
Wish me luck,

I chuckle slightly as I close the diary and set it down.
I look down at the baby still latched on.
I move a little curl of her hair and tuck it behind her ear as she rhythmically sucks and swallows the milk.
It's so quiet and peaceful.
Too quite.
What's he gotten himself into now.
Your brother is nothing but a troublemaker Missy.
He comes in the door just as I finish closing my blouse back up.
Yes James.
I start burping Missy as he walks over to the bed.
"Can you tell me a story?"
Of course.
He tries the climb onto the bed but is too short.
I help him up and he snuggles close to me.
What story do you want to hear today?
"The one about the Fox"
I mentally groan not the stupid fox again.
Ok love.
Once upon a time the was a fox who ate all the corn...

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