Chpt 5

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I wake up with Eoghans arms wrapped securely around my waist.
A Ripping headache and nausea set in as I try to remember last nights events.
My cheeks burn bright scarlet as it all comes flooding back.
I force myself out of his embrace and stagger to the bathroom.
I close and lock the door and walk to the mirror.
My hair is a mess I look visibly hungover and am in desperate need of a shower.
I look around and see that there are towels and decide to go for a shower.
I may as well while I'm here.
I turn on the shower and wait for the water to get up to temperature.
I step into the shower
I sigh as the water runs down my body taking last nights events with it.
I grab one of the two bottles in the shampoo caddy thing.
Shampoo and conditioner.
I get a decent glop of it and wash my hair.
*Time skip*
I walk into his wardrobe chuckling slightly at my dress that's now crumpled on the floor.
I put my bra back on and throw on some random clothes.
I walk out of the wardrobe and sit on the bed.
"Morning Mia Bella"
"How are you feeling?" I ask already knowing the probable answer.
"Not too bad actually"
He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down onto the bed and close to his body.
He whispers in my ear biting it slightly as he moves his head back.
Someone knocks on the door but he ignores it.
"Eoghan get up quickly Moms pissed"
She runs downstairs.
Eoghan jumps off the bed and races into the shower.
In five minutes he sprints into he wardrobe and throws on some random clothes.
He kisses my forehead before sprinting out the door and down the stairs.
I sit there for a moment and decide to go to Chloés room to see if I can find my key.
I open the door and find Milo sprawled out on the floor in his boxers.
I push him aside with my foot and walk around the room looking for my key.
I find it under a pile of rejected party dresses.
I think for a moment and decide it's better if I leave after Chloé and Eoghan's mother stop screaming at them.
I sit down on Chloé's bed and scroll through Instagram.
Mostly pictures and videos of the party.
Rileys caller id pops up.
I know better then to ignore it.
"Where are you Cassidy"
Rileys voice is as cold as ice.
I take a deep breath.
"I'm at a friend's house Riley"
"And what made you think you could go out without asking me"
"Mom let me go out Riley"
Riley grumbles says goodbye and hangs up.
I let out a breath I was suppressing.
I doged a bullet there.
Feeling extremely unsure of what to do I get my clothes from yesterday and fold them.
I should probably put them back on before I go home.
I prefer wearing Eoghan's clothes though.
Chloé trudges in the door and flops down on the bed next to me.
"Mom wants to talk to you Cassidy"
"Can I sneak out instead of talking to her?"
"Not unless you want to have a bad reputation in her head"
"Where do I go?"
"Down the stairs follow the sound of shouting"
I get up and walk down the stairs getting more and more timid with each step.
Then the anxiety hits.
I carefully walk towards the door where all the shouting is coming from.
The door is slightly ajar I peak in slightly and see presumably Eoghan's mother shouting at him.
She and Chloé have the exact same eyes.
But she is generally fair with blonde hair.
They must get the tan sallow skin and black hair from their father.
I walk in standing there for a minute or two before his mother notices me.
She immediately stops shouting and smiles as if nothing happened.
"Cassidy isn't it?"
I nod.
"It's so lovely to finally meet you"
I smile weakly.
Eoghan has a look of extreme confusion.
She holds out her hand and looks me in the eye.
"Im Laura,Eoghan and Chloé's mother"
I shake her hand.
"Good firm grip you have Cassidy"
She pushes me closer to Eoghan.
"You two make a great pair for eachother"
My phone goes off as I shoot an apologetic look.
She mearly nods telling me to answer it.
"Hello Riley"
I hold my phone out as far as I can even without my phone being on speaker I can still hear them shouting at me.
I cover up the mic.
"Sorry about Riley" I say apologetically.
I but the phone back to my ear as Riley is ending their rant.
"You finished your Latino rant yet?" I ask non regrettably.
I hold my phone as far away from me again covering my mouth to stifle a giggle.
Eoghan smiles at me full of admiration.
Eoghans father walks into the room.
Yep my theory was correct.
He has the same black hair with Tan and sallow skin as Eoghan and Chloé.
His eyes are the same brown as Eoghan's but a different shape.
I turn my attention back to the phone.
"Hey can I stay the night so Riley can calm down?"
I've done it I've put them in a position where they can't refuse.
"Of course you can Cassidy" the father agrees before Laura can object.
He holds out his hand.
"I'm Éamon, Eoghan and Chloé's father"
I shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you Éamon"
While Riley is quite i return my attention to the call.
"Riley im staying the night at my friends house"
I hang up to save myself from going temporarily deaf.
"Sorry about that" i say apologetically even though honestly I don't give a fuck.
"It's ok Cassidy" Éamon replies before Laura can say something snarky.
"If you two don't mind I need to talk to Laura privately"
"And Eoghan You and your sister arnt in any trouble"
Laura looks like she's gonna blow a gasket.
"Thanks dad"
Eoghan grabs my hand and runs out the door closing it behind him before Laura can explode.
We run up to his bedroom before collapsing onto the bed in a fit of hysterics.
Our laughter echoes throughout the room.
I can't stop laughing until I have tears streaming down my face and my sides ache.
Chloé trudges into the room dragging Milo with her.
"What's so funny"
That only causes Eoghan and I to go into another fit of hysterics.
Milo and Chloé look at eachother extremely confused.
Once we calm down again Eoghan explains why we're laughing.
Chloé looks realived that she's not in any trouble.
Milo lies down on the floor.
Laura's voice makes us all freeze.

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