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After we got back from Thor's birthday party things seemed to shift dramatically. Thor and Sarah broke up but he wouldn't tell me why and when I text her to check in to make sure she was okay she wouldn't tell me either. Thomas was true to his word and actually researched what he said he would, I knew it wouldn't all be solved in a day so I forgave him and we had been pretty solid ever since. The weather had turned cold and snow was actually sticking so I wasn't able to see Thor since which sucked. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and I would be spending it with the Shaw's; Nora said I could invite Thor and I did extend the invitation but he said and I quote "I rather eat a bag of dog shit that has been sitting in the hot sun". As happy I was to be spending Thanksgiving with the Shaw's it really made me sad I wouldn't be seeing my own family for the holiday, I was craving some of my grandma's sweet potato pie and greens but it would have to wait until Christmas when Thomas and I would go down there together.

I jumped up from where I was sleeping holding my chest, recently I had been having nightmares about my attack. October was the 2nd anniversary but it still seared into my brain like it happened yesterday, and the nightmares had just gotten worse.

"Are you okay? This is the third time this week you have woken up screaming." Thomas sat up looking over at me tiredly. Since I had forgiven he spent a lot of time, when he got out late he would come over to mine and spend the night.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you I'll go sleep in the other room."

He shook his head pulling me close "What kind of boyfriend would I be especially on the eve of our anniversary if I let my girlfriend go sleep in the guest bedroom in her own house. Now did you want me what was going on?"

I had been playing with the idea of telling Thomas about my attack for a while now, actually, before our trip to the city for Thor's birthday I had planned on telling him as soon as we came back but all shit hit the fan. Now was a perfect time but our anniversary was tomorrow and this seemed like a topic you didn't talk about before such a big date.

I sighed turning my table lamp and he turned to turn his own on, when our eyes properly adjusted he grabbed my hands bring them to his lips.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I nodded chewing on my bottom lip, what if he decided to dump me after this.

"You remember two years ago when I didn't come to work because I was sick?" He nodded rubbing circles on my hand "I wasn't sick, I was raped."

"WHAT BY WHO?!" He screeched his eyes going wide with anger and he stood up grabbing his phone "We'll call the cops right now and have the dirty bastard thrown in jail."

"Thomas.." I tried calling his name but he was pacing running his hand through his hair like a mad man "THOMAS please sit down so I can finish." He blew out a hefty breath and this time it was my turn to confront him.

"I don't remember what he looked like, I don't remember a bunch from that night" A lie. Not only did I remember what all three of them looked like, I remembered the smell of cigarette smoke, sweat, and gun powder that hung on their skin but telling him the truth would be revealing way too much information that could get me and Thor in big trouble.

"Baby I'm so sorry that happened. If you ever remember let me know so I can take care of it myself." He pulled me to him rubbing my head like you'd do if you were trying to calm down a dog, but I preferred this to see the pity that was running rampant through his eyes, this was the main reason I didn't want to tell anyone.

He pulled away from me kissing me on my forehead "I still love you, you know that right?"

I nodded "I love you too, thank you for being so understanding."

"Of course, I know it wasn't your fault. Now, why don't we try and get some sleep." He reached over me to turn my light off and then his, the room filled with darkness the only light coming from the moon that shoon through my curtains.


"So as far as celebrating one year anniversaries how would you rank ours?" Thomas asked as we were driving home from dinner.

He had gone all out for our anniversary, I woke up to a gift box when I opened it I saw the most beautiful dress accompanied by a lingerie set and pair of heels with a gift certificate for the nail salon. The morning getting pampered, then met Thomas for lunch once that was over we went to the movies. For dinner, he took me to one of those restaurants that served a bunch of courses although it wasn't my scene it was extremely nice and now we were driving to his house to spend the rest of our night together.

"It was spectacular." I beamed placing his free hand in mine as he looked ahead very proud of himself.

Opening the door to his place the ground was covered in rose petals and candles lit up the ground making a pathway to the bedroom. I couldn't lie I was taken back, no one had ever done anything so sweet for me, not that I had a lot to go off of with Thomas being my first serious serious adult relationship.

"Thomas! What the heck? You did all this for me?" I was practically jumping in his arms as he held me by the waist side, when I was done taking in the beautiful sight before me I turned to look at him tears brimming my eyes.

"Of course. You are the love of my life Charlotte I'd do any and everything to make you happy. I know I've made a lot of mistakes and I'm constantly working on being better but I just love you so much and sometimes it makes me act like an asshole, so thank you for putting up with me."

I couldn't help but throw my arms around him and kissing him "I love you too, and I'm sorry I can act like a mess sometimes."

He chuckled rolling his eyes pecking me on the lips before leading me down the lit-up path "well come on"

Making it to his room I was even more blown away, his bed was covered in pink roses and there were red roses that made a shape of a heart, in the middle of the heart was a small box.

I gasped as Thomas went to go pick it up. He turned to me opening the box up and I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful ring that sat in the center. It was It stared at me as I stared at it and the longer I looked the more nervous I got after a while which was probably only a couple of seconds I turned my attention back at my boyfriend.

"I know what it looks like but I also know we aren't ready for that step quite yet, but this is a promise that I do fully plan on making that commitment to you. Do you accept?"

I nodded my head and he grabbed my right hand placing it on my ring finger, when he was done he grabbed my face kissing me.

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