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1 Year Later

"Didn't you hear they found a deer gutted in the middle of the forest hanging from a tree. I swear monster probably used it for his Satan worship." The man in front of Charlotte told his friend, causing her to roll her eyes. Ever since she met the "monster" everyone was so scared of whenever someone said anything negative about him it ticked her off. He was just a man who wanted to be left alone. It had been almost a year since he rescued her and almost every night she dreamed of him she had even taken to calling him her guardian angel of course never out loud she never told anyone what happen and had no plan to. The police had determined the men had shot themselves and the last one probably killed himself realizing what he done;only she and her guardian angel knew the truth and she had no plan tell everyone the truth about that either.

"Well I think we should just have a big ole hunting party and put an end to him" Charlotte scuffed causing the two men to turn to look at her.

"Sorry allergies." She smiled pretending to cough to add a little extra to her fake allergy story. Both the men gave her a pitied looked at turned back around.

"Anyways that will never happen the part of the woods they say he lives in his tricky to get into not even a hiking expert could go through that shit. Sucks that shit is owned by some family that doesn't even live here anymore they could kick that demons ass out and we wouldn't have to worry. I swear he was the one who killed the men and I don't care what the police say." Charlotte wanted to do nothing more than kick the shit out of the asshole as they degrade her guardian angel but it held back.

"Y'all stop talking nonsense we all know ain't no human living in those woods it's impossible. That boy probably died he was only like 11 and if he didn't die from exposure or starvation I'm sure he wander off and got picked up by sex traffickers" One of their wives stated with a laugh.

"Hey there you are! Thanks for saving out seats we would've gotten here sooner but finding parking was hell. I swear the only thing this redneck ass town cares about more than church is football." Nora laughed taking a seat on my left as her husband went to sit right next to her.

"Hey Charlotte how are ya?" Nora's husband Samuel asked. Samuel was a stocky man who loved beer as much as the next man in this town and his beer belly showed that love.

"I'm good how are you Samuel?" Charlotte smiled happy to have a distraction from the conversation the men in the front of her were having.

"Oh I'm good you know me just living how the kids say my best life. I got my lady and my boys are about to kick Mason Creeks ass tonight life couldn't get any better. Thanks for coming out I know football isn't really your thing." after that he went on a tangent about Shawn and Shane's football records like he did every game, and then from there he went to talk about their daughter Natalie's cheerleading career.

"I swear I'm not sure who talks more my brother or his wife." Tom said taking a seat right next to Charlotte as she turned to look at him a heart stammered in her chest a little, he was just so good looking and on more than one occasion Nora tried convincing Charlotte he had a crush on her.

"Whatever Thomas. I'm just catching up Charlotte on our lives."

"I'm sure Nora does it Monday thru Friday when she supposed to be working." He chuckled lightly nudging Charlotte causing her to blush and laugh nervously.

Nora glared at her brother-in-law "Don't be mixing me in your brotherly squabbles Thomas Shaw." Although they squabbled often there was nothing but love there it made Charlotte jealous, although she had her parents she grew up siblingless and shy. She was never one to be the first one to speak and she was better off just watching and observing.

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