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Thanks to my bestie for help on this chapter

"where were you?" Maki asks playing with her phone on the couch. "..." Kokichi smiles and sits next to her "guess!" Kokichi says smiling. "Diddd you go on a date with amami?" Maki asks looking over to the other. "Whaaaa? How did you know?" "I have my ways. Anyways. We are going to tenkos party Saturday."  Maki says with a smile. "But i-" "rantaro will be there. Yes there will be drinking. Yes there will probably be weed. Hagakure-senpai will be there And yes it will be a bit crazy. But you need more social interaction. And i don't want you to be here alone." Kokichi sighs. "Fine." Maki stands up with a small laugh. "Great. Remember, me and you won't drink shuichi and miu are way to hard for one of use to take care of." Maki says. Kokichi laughs and nods. "Yeah. I didn't plan on drinking." 

The two then begin to make dinner seeing as it was now 4:00 pm. Once finished they called shuichi and miu to come eat.

Once they all finished there dinner they said there goodnights and went to there rooms.

~friday night~

"Why do we have to go shopping???" Kokichi asks pouting as the group walks through the mall. "Well none of us could find a good outfit for the party soooo we had to go shopping." Maki replys "Maybe we should get koki a dress he pretty much looks like a girl." Miu says snorting. "Dresses are soooo uncomfortable though!!!" Kokichi says crossing his arms. "Oh! I forgot you used to dress up with your sister." Miu says with a slight chuckle. Kokichi nods playing with a necklace around his neck. "You two were so cute!" Maki says remembering some pictures she took of the two. Kokichi rolls his eyes. "Speaking of koto I should actually visit her soon." Kokichi says opening the locket around his neck. In the locket there was a picture of kokichi and a pink haired little girl with a pink haired women hugging the two from the behind. Maki thinks for a minute before smiling. "SHUICHI GO GET YOURSELF A PARTY OUTFIT ME AND MIU ARE TAKING KOKICHI DRESS SHOPPING!" "WHAT?! Why a dress?! Why cant I just wear jeans and shirts like any other guy?!" "Come on kichi you would look suuuuuperrr cute!!!!" Maki says with a smile. Kokichi sighs. "I will wear a stupid dress for one hour. But after that hour I am going to change into normal clothes." Kokichi says crossing his arms. Miu and maki nod happily. The three then pull kokichi into a store leaving poor shu to shop by himself.


The three walk through the dresses each of the three got at least 2 dresses. "I can't believe you actually convinced me to get these..." Kokichi says as he walks into the Hall maki and miu following. Miu and maki smile before walking ahead. "by the way rantaro is going to come with us." Miu says giving a grin to kokichi. Kokichis face turns a light pink before he shakes it off and crosses his arms. "Whatever..." Maki and miu giggle a bit.

The three then go looking for shuichi eventually finding him in hot topic "alright emo stop acting like a kid in the candy store it's time to leave." Miu says causing a few people in the store to snicker. Shuichi covers his face with his hat and walks over to the three at the entrance kokichi looks at shuichi for a minute before snatching his hat "yoink!" Kokichi giggles. "H-hey!"


A/n. I hate my friend for suggesting this but I also had no idea what to do. 

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