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(I hate myself so much- btw sorry for any spelling mistakes I wrote this on my tablet and I said this before BUT I FUXKING HATE MY TABLET. sorry had a Celeste moment.)Underage drinking.


Maki and miu wait in the living room for the guys to come out. "HURRY YOUR ASSES UP! YOU GOT FiVE MINUTES UNTILL AMAMI GETS HERE." Miu yells.

Miu wore a hot pink tight dress with fishnet tights and pink high heels. Maki wore a simular dark red dress with fishnet tights and and matching heels.

"Me and shu are talking! Give us a minute!" Kokichi yells. Miu and maki sigh as they hear a knock at the door "Come in!" Miu yells getting a strawberry soda from the fridge.

Rantaro walks in with a wave. "Whats up avocado! sorry the two emos are taking forever." Miu says as shuichi walks out of the room. "Kokichi says he hates you both." shuichi says sitting on the couch. "LOVE YOU TO BUD! NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" Miu yells back. Rantaro looks at the group confused. Kokichi sighs and opens the door. Maki smiles and runs over to kokichi pulling him into the living room.

Shuichi wore a black shirt with jeans and chains. (basically just being an emo) Rantaro wore a dark green shirt with a jean jacket and jeans, and kokichi wore a dress the top part was plain black and the actually skirt part was checkered he also wore black thigh high socks with black flats.

Rantaros face turns a light shade of pink before clearing his throat. "Well- uhm, we should get going..." Rantaro states. Maki and miu giggle before nodding and walking ahead. "Im driving!" Maki says. "I CALL SHOT GUN!" Miu yells. He two giggle beginning to run passing by kaito. Kokichis eyes widen and he runs to the side of shuichi whispering something. Shuichi nods and walks over to kaito. "What the hell do you want e-" kaito pauses as he watches rantaro and kokichi pass by. "I-is kokichi wearing a dress?! What a femboy!" Kaito yells laughing. Kokichi sighs before switching to his other personality. (Yay he finally changed!) "Neeheehee... Keep in mind momo~chan! I still have the picture of you being drunk and putting on the cheerleader uniform!" Kokichi says giggling. "Honestly! You looked horrible!!!" Kokichi yells. Kaito growls and walks over to kokichi attempting to punch him but just falls over. "Jeez. Learn how to punch." Kokichi says rolling his eyes. "Hey why does your hair stand up like that? It looks kinda stupid. I mean... I guess it kinda matches your face and mind, but still. I can't find one good quality in you that's pretty bad momota Chan!"

At this point shuichi and rantaro where dieing of laughter. "HOLY SHIT!!!! I THINK KOKICHI IS MURDERING A DUDE!" Rantaro says while laughing. Kaitos face turns a bright red out of embarrassment. "I should probably get going before I spit to much insults. See ya later dumbass!" Kokichi says before skipping ahead rantaro and shuichi were crying at this point "WHAT THE FUCK KAITO!?" Rantaro says still laughing. The two boys then follow kokichi, Still laughing a bit.

Once the three get to the car maki and miu look over at them. "Jeez what took you so long?" The two ask. Rantaro laughs a bit thinking back to what just happened. "Kaito called kokichi a femboy so kokichi reminded him of some blackmail he had on him so kaito went to punch kokichi and then kokichi just murdered him with a few insults I kinda wish he went on that shit got me and shuichi laughing like hyenas. And then kokichi called kaito a dumbass." "I'm guessing he switched personalitys?" Miu asks shuichi nods. Kokichi smiles "still looking pretty slutty huh?" Kokichi says causing miu to squeal. "I-I!" Miu tries to speak but just cant.

~at the party~

Tenko greets the group as they walk into the door giving a quick cold glare to rantaro. "Oh! Your dress looks really cute on you kokichi!" Tenko says with a smile kokichi being the only male she can stand (Kokichi is back to the mixed personality now)

Kokichi smiles "thanks chabashira~chan." "Just call me tenko!" "Thanks tenko." Tenko nods with a smile. The group then separated into smaller groups. Maki and miu went to go dance while shuichi and kokichi went to the corner to talk and rantaro went to go talk to a friend for a bit.

"You okay koki?" Shuichi asks as kokichi stares at rantaro talking to korekiyo. "Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine." Kokichi says continuing to stare as rantaro gets pulled into a drinking competition. "Well crap." Kokichi says under his breath." "What?" "Drinking competition." Kokichi says pointing. "Ah." Shuichi says as he sits next to kokichi who was sitting in a balled up position. "..." Kokichi and shuichi watch as miu and rantaro compete against each other. Maki tries to stop the two from drinking to much failing miserably. Kokichi sighs and records the event for both blackmail perposes and so that he'd be able to explain why rantaro woke up in there dorm if it were to come to it. Kokichi stands up and walks over to the two slamming his hands on the table telling them to stop. "Don't get to drunk." Maki says for kokichi. Miu and rantaro sigh placing there drinks on the table. "YoU tWo *hic* aRe nO fun!" Miu says hiccuping. Maki sighs walking over to her girlfriend kissing her on the cheek. "Oh hush. We just don't want you vomiting all night." Maki says pulling miu away. Miu giggles saying something inaudible but probably flirty.

Kokichi turns to rantaro and pulls him out of his chair. Kokichi pulls rantaro to where shuichi is and sets him on the ground. "Stay! Or I will spray you!" Kokichi says still having the spray bottle. Shuichi laughs a bit taking a drink of sample sized beer or something. Kokichi sighs knowing shuichi is bound to get drunk at some point.

Kokichi sits down next to rantaro and watches everyone partying. Shuichi turns to the two males "I'm going to go look for miu and maki." The emo says. Kokichi nods and watches as shuichi walks off. "Hey kichi??? *Hic*" rantaro says from next to the smaller male. "Yes taro?" Kokichi asks turning his full attention to the other. Rantaro stands up holding his hand out to kokichi. "Wanna come dance?" Rantaro asks. Kokichi stands up by himself rejecting the other boys hand. "How about we get you some water?" Kokichi says grabbing rantaros wrist and pulling him over to the drink table. Kokichi grabs rantaro a bottle of water and hands it to him. "Drink it or you get sprayed." Kokichi says with a straight face. Rantaro laughs a bit and nods drinking the water.

Kokichi smiles feeling proud of himself. After rantaro finishes his water he quickly brings kokichi close to him. "Taro?" Kokichi says in confusion as he looks up at rantaro. Amami smiles and brings his lips to kokichis giving him a sweet kiss.

Kokichis face turns a light pink and even though he doesn't want to, he pulls away. "Rantaro you're drunk, and I don't want to take advantage of that. Come on let's go find miu and maki before you get into to much trouble." Kokichi states grabbing rantaros wrist again.

It takes about thirty minutes for them to find miu and maki. "Hey kokichi." Maki says helping miu stand. Kokichi sighs. "We need to go home before these two get out of hand. Shuichi also had a bit to drink." Kokichi says and maki nods. "But I *hic* don't want to leave." Rantaro and miu say at the same time. "Then you two shouldn't have gotten yourself this drunk right away!" Maki and kokichi yell back.

The group take another thirty minutes to find shuichi passed out in a corner. Kokichi sighs and let's go of rantaros wrist putting shuichi arm around his neck and carefully lifting him. "Hey taro can you help me?" Kokichi asks. The drunk avocado nods laughing and helping kokichi pick shuichis other side.


As soon as the group got home maki and kokichi made shuichi and miu go to bed. "Hey can you handle rantaro. Miu has a hard time sleeping without me." Maki says laughing a bit. Kokichi nods with a smile. "Great. Night kichi." "Night maki."

Once maki heads to bed kokichi turns his attention to rantaro. Rantaro smiles and walks over to kokichi hugging him. "Your awfully clingy when drunk." Kokichi says slipping out of rantaros embrace "I just know how to better show my feelings." Rantaro says chuckling. Kokichi sighs walking over to the couch. "Come lay down you can sleep here tonight." Kokichi says patting next to him. Rantaro nods sitting down. the two talk for a bit longer intill kokichi feels something in his lap. The small male looks down and sees rantaros head in his lap. Kokichi moves some hair out of the boys face noticing his has fallen asleep. Kokichi smiles playing with rantaros hair before falling asleep himself.

A/n my fingers feel like they are about to fall off :')

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