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A PAIR OF SOMEWHAT UNINTERESTED EYES RAN OVER THE BLONDE'S ANGRY FIGURE, lingering on his sharp jaw for slightly longer. His red eyes met hers causing Bakugo to scowl. (y/n) blew a stray hair out of her face before going back to her significantly more interesting book. He watched her intently as he walked past each aisle, his angle of her changing with each stride. Eventually she was out of view and he found the book he needed, the same one that Midoriya had trashed an hour earlier.

"You like this?"

Bakugo found himself scowling again, "yeah, you got a problem?" (y/n) huffed and rolled her eyes as she took the book from his calloused hands. Their fingers brushed and Bakugo gulped silently at the feeling of his body heating up. The (e/c) eyed girl in front of him though was not affected in the slightest and remained stoic. "You must be an idiot then." Bakugo's once previous tiny bit of infatuation with her was quickly replaced with hate.

"What'd you say you-" "This one is really bad compared to the other one he made."

Bakugo's face flushed in sudden embarrassment as she put the book back on the shelf. She traced her fingers over the spines of the other books to find the one she was looking for as she mumbled under her breath, whispering the author's name as if it were a mantra.

His mind wandered off as he stared at her- conjuring thoughts that should have been reserved for his own ears and his only. Her fingers running down his spine calling his name out but it wouldn't be his last name, it would be: "Katsuki, katsuki, katsuki-"

"-idiot, are you paying attention? I've been talking to you for the past ten seconds."

He let out a mangled cough before taking the book from her outstretched hands. Oh, the mind of a highschooler. "Thanks," he grunted as he swerved around her and walked as quickly as he could to the register. He was delighted to see that she was nowhere to be found. Letting out a sigh he looked up to find (y/n) staring down at him. Pull yourself together you dumbass, she's just some fucking bitch- stop acting like that fucking nerd, Deku! "Your total is 1429 yen," mumbled (y/n) she placed the book in a bag. Bakugo slid a 2000 yen bill across the counter as steadily as he could without freaking the hell out. She handed him his change and repeated the same phrase she had repeated throughout her work life. (y/n) stared after him as he trudged out the door with a hunch and a scowl.

The 'Vellichor' bookstore was the place where she spent almost all her time. It was her inheritance, something she couldn't wait to own someday. Of course, it wouldn't be the best way to inherit it since it would have to be caused by her grandma's death which she didn't want anytime soon. It was a quaint, two-story, bookstore with a modern touch to it. There were many windows that looked over the bustling street life directly below it. With a touch of greenery here and there (suggested by the inheritor herself), it almost seemed surreal; The smell of previously packaged books and preowned ancient ones filled the store, a hint of coffee from the back corner lingering.

That was what she loved about the place; it wasn't just a store to buy a book and leave from. It had an ambiance that everyone had fallen deeply in love with- from the large bean bags that were placed on the second story, to the small little cafe area. It was a place for relaxation and chatter, so renowned that its net worth was in the millions- and her grandma made it that way. Maybe even Bakugo contributed a little bit considering how often he had come to the place.

An angry grumble from one of the customers resounded through the somewhat empty store, not surprising her in the slightest. She looked down over the railing enclosing the second story to find a familiar blonde with a scowl on his face. Her face fell; she didn't want to deal with his poor book choices again.

She didn't have much against him- in fact, she didn't hate him at all. (y/n) enjoyed his company to be completely honest, but she just had no clue why he hadn't just asked her about being friends instead of only ever seeing him at work.

"Hey, Bakugo, up here," she called with a wave. Said boy looked up to find her somewhat amused face looking down at him. He made his way up the stairs to finally meet her gaze.

Their conversation consisted of the usual; (y/n) commenting on his poor taste and him grumbling back. He had also told her about his school life and the perils of being a class 1-A student. She didn't mind though, she couldn't relate in the slightest; She was in the financial management classes. (y/n) could never tell him though, the fear of him hating her for no reason eating away in the back of her mind like a

"-and then shitty-hair beat the guy up-" "Give me your number, Katsuki."

Bakugo fell out of his chair with a string of curses slipping his mouth. (y/n) let out a small giggle and reached out to him. She hadn't laughed in a while or even if she had she had never laughed in front of him. As if it was a cliche romance fanfiction, his face flushed at the sound of her laugh.



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