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HE WAS HERE- BAKUGO WAS HERE. She could feel him through the wall yet he wasn't standing there. He should be there. Kirishima fiddled with his binoculars as he stared into the darkness, looking for his blonde best friend. But he wasn't there. Kirishima kept staring into the darkness, clearly desperate. She was too. (y/n) was longing for him, longing to hear his husky voice complain about his classmates yet subtly compliment them. It made her laugh every time; it had been too long since she did.

Aimoto missed him; she just wanted to run her fingers through his hair and kiss him until their lips were both numb. She wanted him to surround her with his warmth while they slept together and for him to try to get her angry. She wished to see him from the second floor of her bookstore and watch as he looked up with emotion in his eyes. Could it be love? She hoped it was. Maybe once they saved him she'd tell him- no. As soon as they did she'd kiss him and tell him how much she loved him. Hug him until he'd ask her to stop. But she'd never let go.

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she held up Kirishima, her hand still resting against the wall. Midoriya stood next to them both, awaiting for Kirishima's signal. The red-haired boy stared into the building, zooming in closer on the window until he saw them. Rows of Nomu standing side by side in tubes within a clear liquid. Kirishima sputtered at the sight, confusing the teens around him. "Kirishima, what's wrong?" asked Midoriya as he reached for the binoculars in his hand. The boy took one look and froze as well, clearly shaken up. "N-Nomu," spat the red-head. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew both boys back, sending them to the ground in the cramped alleyway.

Aimoto crouched down and placed her palm on the floor seeing the shadowy figures of four people. She couldn't tell who they were yet, seeing as though they had just gotten there- her quirk could only see what happened in the past. "(y/n)," whispered Midoriya, "who's here?" The girl concentrated even harder, eventually making out the faces of four pro-heroes. "Tiger, Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist, and Gang Orca," she replied as she continued to look for anything else that may pose a threat. The pro-heroes voices were clear now, leaving a cloud of relief to sweep over them all. "...we found Ragdoll..." Midoriya let out a sigh, gripping at his disguise with a smile.

(y/n) released her palm from the ground, her fingers just barely brushing over it until a large gust of fear washed over her. There was someone else here and with the aura, they were emitting- it rivaled All Might's own. (y/n) let out a small squeak, grabbing the attention of her fellow schoolmates. "Aimoto?"

"He's here; All for One is here."

They could hear him now. His powerful, ever-so commanding voice. They all felt sick to their stomachs as his footsteps grew closer and closer. Panic surged through them, alongside the adrenaline in their veins. It was if every bit of happiness in the world was destroyed. (y/n) could feel it through her fingertips. She wanted to pull away, she really did, but the dread of the situation pulled her in. She could feel all her hope being drained away through her fingertips. The power was getting too intense.

Her vision swayed ever so slightly as she stood there in fear. This murderous aura was deafening. Or maybe it was just the overwhelming urge to pass out. Her ears rung as she slid down the wall all the while she prayed it would all be over. Todoroki looked over Midoriya shakily to see (y/n) up against the brick wall, not moving a muscle. She didn't even seem to be breathing. The heterochromatic boy nudged Midoriya who in turn froze up at the sight at his friend passed out. Her fingers seemed to be glued to the floor causing him to inaudibly take in a sharp breath. He knew what she was doing and why she was out.

But there was no way to help. All for One was here now and any movement would give them away. Midoriya looked away with a grimace, his friend still out cold.

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