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LIPS COLLIDING- LONGING FOR SOMETHING MORE. She ran her fingers through his ash blonde hair, gripping it with a groan. His teeth bit at her lip, her arm around his neck pulling him closer to her. "Katsuki," she whispered as his hands held her waist tightly. His smell encompassed her being as they continued on. What was she doing? They were just friends. Just as she pulled away, she looked at his gray eyes. Katsuki's eyes weren't gray.

She pushed the unknown man away, only to find a mass of gray fall away to the ground, sinking and mixing with the concrete. "K-Katsuki?!" The thing was gone and instead of waking up she looked around, searching for an explanation. "(y/n)!" She turned around to find the ash-blond scream her name while reaching for her desperately.

A heavy breath, her pounding heart, and messy hair- it had brought her back into reality, the terror. (y/n) stared at the ruffled sheets, leaping out of her bed. It was only the fourth day of break and she was already longing for his visits to the library. Ever since that day, it had been like this, dreaming of him. Her dreams never went further, always ending in the same way- he disappeared, leaving her to wake up cold and alone. This time it was different.

She had a feeling it meant something and she wasn't very fond of it so far.

A tone coming from her phone caught her attention as she reached for it with tired arms. "Aimoto (y/n) speaking," she grumbled as she wiped the sleepy-tears from her eyes. "(y/n), it's Kacchan." She pulled her phone from her ear to look at the contact name: Midoriya. With bewilderment, she pulled the phone back to her ear with confusion. "Katsuki? What about him?" The green-haired boy hiccupped on the other side of the line. "They took him (y/n)!"

Her heart stopped at the sentence. That dream. She flailed out of bed and reached for the remote to her TV. Switching on the news, it hit her. She fell to the ground, eyes wide. He was gone. Her heart felt like it had been stabbed as she pulled the phone back up to her ear. "M-Midoriya, what-" Tears fell from her eyes as she continued watching with terror enveloping her soul. U.A. Student Bakugo Katsuki taken by League of Villains during training camp- more than 20 students left injured. "Midoriya, where are you."

She stood outside the doorway as they all fought, their words clearly heard from the outside. They weren't going to try to save him and in hindsight, it made sense. None of them had a hero license and neither did she. (y/n) heard shuffling feet from the room and quickly stepped away from the door, looking down at her phone. "Oh, Aimoto, what are you doing here?" asked Kaminari, noticing her puffy eyes. "Midoriya wanted to tell me something, I'm not sure what," she mumbled as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Kaminari grimaced, figuring she would hear about what happened to Bakugo. "I- sorry," he blabbed, hurrying to follow behind his fellow classmates.

(y/n) let out the breath she didn't know she was holding in and stepped inside the room, finding Midoriya staring up at the ceiling. "Hey, (y/n)," he greeted, turning to face her with saddened green eyes. Tears began to fall again as she saw all the white bandages wrapped around his arms. "Midoriya-" "I should have tried harder I'm sorry." (y/n) frowned and took a seat next to him pulling his outstretched hand into her own, "no, you did all you could- that's more than I could ever ask for."

Tears began to fall from his own eyes as he chuckled to himself. "(y/n), you're just too nice sometimes." Aimoto let out a small chuckle as her hands tightened slightly upon his own. "L-look, (y/n), we have a plan to save him." The (h/c)-ette froze in her seat, her eyes widening in disbelief. "You-You're going to save him- how?" Midoriya smiled, "it'll be you me and three others. Momo has placed a tracker on the Nomu that was there at the camp but with your quirk, we can determine his exact location."

Just as she told him she'd join, he interrupted. "(y/n) if you do this, you could get in big trouble. Are you sure-" "Yes." Her (e/c) eyes bore into his own emerald ones with fierceness. Midoriya smiled again, "you really love him don't you?" (y/n)'s cheeks reddened at his words but she stopped in her tracks.

The heart palpitations, the constant flushing of her face, the stuttering, the dreams- they all made sense. She loved him, didn't she? A smile appeared on her face as she gripped at her shirt with flushed cheeks.



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