Chapter Two

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(Y/N)- Your Name


"Nice to meet you too, Stu." I replied politely. The teacher walked into the room and started talking. I was thankful she didn't make me come up to the front of the class and introduce myself. I had enough anxiety about just talking one on one but being the center of attention was never my thing.

Stu occasionally tried to make conversation with me during class but I would put my finger to my lips as a silent way to tell him to be quiet. 'We can talk after class.' I thought while silently tapping my pencil against my notebook. Surprisingly, he didn't keep pestering me but stayed quiet. Class seemed to fly by but I knew it was just because it was a new school and new environment.

I packed up and grabbed my bag, heading for the door and Stu quickly followed me.

"Where ya going?" He asked as I started to walk to my locker.

"Locker. Gotta get my textbook for next hour." I said and smiled, doing as I had said. Walking with Stu was easier. Him being so tall made people naturally move so I didn't have to push through the sea of kids. He leaned against the lockers while I opened mine and grabbed my math textbook out.

"So got any plans for lunch missy?" He asked, a broad smile on his lips. 'He has a nice smile.' I thought.

"Yeah Sidney invited me to sit with her and her friends-"

"So you'll be sitting with me!" He seemed over the moon about it and I laughed at his excitement. We barely knew each other and yet he seemed stoked to sit together.

"Yeah I'll sit with you guys." I said cheerfully. "I gotta head to my next class but we'll talk at lunch, 'kay?" His lips fell for a moment from the smile before it resumed again.

"Alright. Don't get into trouble!" He teased and I laughed, closing my locker and walking to class. The rest of the classes before lunch went by pretty fast. A couple teachers made me stand at the front of the class and introduce myself and I hated every second of it.

Finally lunch came around and I went to my locker to put my textbook up before heading to the water fountain that Sidney had told me about. She was already there, sitting on the edge with a boy beside her. He had longer hair that definitely had product in it. Something stood out about him but it wasn't anything I could put my finger on. Another girl sat on the other side of Sidney. She had blonde hair and dressed more feminine compared to Sidney. Her outfit looked pretty. I took a breath and approached them with a smile on my face.

"Hey guys." I said, trying not to let the nervousness show. Two new people and only one I knew, or had at least talked to. Sidney smiled brightly.

"Hey (Y/N)!" She replied cheerfully.

"So you're the (Y/N) Sidney's been talking about." The blonde spoke up. "My name is Tatum. Nice to meet you." She seemed friendly enough. Sidney leaned over and nudged the male next to her. He looked up at me and seemed to almost freeze for a second, making me uncomfortable. 'Did I do something wrong...?' I internally panicked but didn't let my emotions show.

"I'm Billy. Good to see you." He was more on the short side. Quiet. Simple answers. At least that was the vibe I got. I smiled and nodded. I sat down on the edge of the fountain on the other side of Tatum. I set my bookbag on the ground and pulled out my sandwich, more than happy that it was finally lunch. It wasn't that I was hungry, but I was ready for a break from everything. The sun was shining and made my face feel warm. I enjoyed the feeling as I looked around, just observing everything. The students, the school building itself, and whatever other random things were around. It wasn't long before another male started walking towards us.

"Hey- Who's this?"

"I'm (Y/N)." I introduced myself with a small smile. He gave a friendly smile back.

"I told you she'd be sitting with us." Sidney spoke up and the male nodded.

"I'm Randy. So have you guys seen the newest horror movie that was just released?" He started talking to everyone about it and describing what things he had heard about it. Tatum leaned over while he was ranting about the movie.

"He works at Blockbuster so he sees every new movie that comes out. He's obsessed." She explained in a softer tone and I nodded.

"Everyone's got their passions." I replied in the same volume and laughed softly. She smiled before going back to listening to Randy talk. It wasn't long into his ramble that Stu walked up, grinning mischievously. Tatum smiled brightly at him.

"Hey babe." She said cheerfully and hugged him. He returned it and looked at me while he hugged her, playfully rolling my eyes. It made me silently giggle. He pulled away from the hug and turned to look at Randy.

"What are you going on about, dweeb?" His tone was obviously teasing. Randy huffed and crossed his arms.

"I was talking about-"

"Wait, wait, wait, let me guess." He said dramatically. "Stupid fuckin' horror movies." Randy rolled his eyes at what Stu said and earned a small laugh from me and Tatum. Randy seemed annoyed enough and it didn't take long for him to go off and do whatever it was that he was doing. I finished eating and relaxed in the sunshine as the others talked. I would join in whenever they addressed me but was sort of more quiet, processing everything that had happened during the day and thinking about what was to come.

"(Y/N)?" Tatum snapped her fingers in front of me, pulling me from my thoughts.


"What are you thinking about that's got you so wrapped up in your thoughts?" She teased, making me laugh.

"Boys probably." I teased back, making her laugh and even earned a chuckle from Sidney. "Nah but just thinking about the rest of the day and shit. Nothing too exciting."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Probably homework and then watch some spooky movies." I said dramatically before laughing. She smiled and nodded. I felt eyes on me, more than just Sidney and Tatum's and I noticed Billy quickly avert his eyes. 'What was that about?' I mentally questioned. I brushed it off though, assuming that maybe he liked horror movies as well.

It wasn't long after that the bell rang and signaled the start of the rest of the classes. I waved goodbye to everyone and started to walk to my class, unknowing of the fact that two certain boys had their eyes trained on me.

It's A Scream, Baby! |Billy Loomis X Reader X Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now