Chapter Four

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(Y/L/N)- Your Last Name
(Y/F/N)- Your First Name


"H-Hello?" I answered back, mentally beating myself for sounding scared. I couldn't help what I was feeling though. The man on the phone laughed, seeming to take joy in the anxiousness

"Look I don't know who you are or how you know me so I'm gonna just hang up-"

"Hang up and I'll gut you like a fish!" The voice came out harsh and sadistic. It didn't feel like an empty threat. My heart pounded in my chest.

"What do you want from me?!" I didn't know whether to be scared or furious about the fact that he was threatening me, though my body seemed to like the scared idea more. He seemed amused by my tone still, shifting from his angry threat back to his more laid back demeanour.

"Do you like horror movies?"

"Yes." I answered despite not understanding what the question had to do with anything.

"How about you answer some questions for me then?"

"Like what?"

"In the movie Friday the 13th, who is the killer?" The question caught me off guard. What did that movie have to do with anything that was currently happening? Why was that a question?

"Pamela Vorhees." I answered, almost answering Jason instead but I quickly managed to catch myself. I didn't want to know what would happen if I got it wrong.

"Very good, babe. Now one more question. Which door am I at?" My breath hitched and I felt like throwing up. It felt like some cruel prank. At least that's what I hoped it was. I dropped the phone as I remembered I had forgotten to lock the front door behind my mother. I bolted to the door but before I could it was thrown open, nearly taking me down in the process. If I had been a second earlier it likely would have.

A scream tore up my throat as I was met with someone in a white, eternally screaming mask and a black robe. I barely caught a glimpse of the hunting knife in their hand before I bolted into the living room, desperately trying to think of how to get out. I could hear heavy footsteps behind me and I quickly threw a table in front of the person causing them to fall over it and land on the ground. I didn't stay to watch them get up as I had heard the glass shatter.

I had two options. Either go upstairs or out the front door. Of course the front door was the logical option but it would also leave me out in the open and I didn't particularly care to be ambushed or give the person a chance to get to me quicker. I bolted up the stairs two at a time and ran to my room. I heard the heavy footsteps running again, following me. Tears threatened to block my vision but I blinked them away. I threw my bedroom door open and then slammed it just in time for whoever was chasing me to slam into the door. I had my body weight against it so thankfully the door didn't open. I locked the door and quickly shoved my dresser in front of the door and then my desk, barricading myself in the room.

There were loud bangs against my door and I assumed whoever it was was trying to break the door down. After a few unsuccessful attempts it became deathly quiet. I covered my mouth to avoid the choked sob that was threatening to come up. The shock of everything was wearing off and my body felt like a boulder was chained to me, making me feel weak. I saw the phone on my nightstand and I quickly picked it up, dialing 911.

I explained what happened to the woman on the other end though my voice was strained from the tears that were falling. I felt simultaneously on high alert and ready to just pass out. The woman told me she'd send someone and they would be at my house as soon as possible. She told me to stay on the line in case the intruder attempted to get back in.

It was only about three minutes before I heard footsteps. My breath hitched but soon a voice called out. "Ms. (Y/L/N)?" I told the woman that the cops had arrived and I hung up. I moved the stuff away from the door and cautiously exited the room. I let out a sigh when I saw an officer standing in the middle of the living room, surveying the damages. "I-I'm here." I said and came down the stairs.

The officer gave me a soft smile. "I'm Officer Dewey. Can you tell me what exactly happened?" As much as I didn't want to recount what had happened, I knew I had to. He took notes while I talked and called my mom. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was scared to be alone. The screaming mask seemed to haunt my thoughts and I prayed it would just go away.

My mom arrived fairly quickly and Dewey left since I now had someone else in the house with me. My mother was worried sick and asked me a list of questions I didn't want to answer. I knew she was just being protective, and for good reason, but I wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and forget any of it happened. At least for a little while.

"I just want to go sleep it off." I told my mom. She seemed hesitant but nodded. I was thankful she didn't argue with me. I headed to my room and it seemed as soon as my head hit the pillow that I had fallen asleep.

I woke up the next day and headed downstairs, memories of what had happened the previous night quickly filled my head back up. I dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, not having the energy to put much effort into myself. My mom had the news on and I listened to it. I didn't bother to shower. One day would be fine. I wasn't hungry so I skipped breakfast and just watched the news while I waited until I would have to leave for school.

"Casey Becker was found murdered last night after the perpetrator attempted to break into (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)'s home. The suspect is described to be wearing a white mask which appears to be screaming with a black robe. If you have any information call your local authorities." My stomach sank at the news. I didn't know Casey all that well but I had worked with her during one of my classes on a project. She seemed nice enough.

The news made me want to walk to school even less. What if I was ambushed? What if someone kidnapped me? What if I saw that person again? The thoughts made me nauseous but I had to go to school, as much as I wanted to skip it. Maybe seeing my friends and keeping myself occupied would help me not dwell on everything.

There was a knock on the door and I slung my backpack over my shoulder, opening the door to see Sidney and Tatum in front of me. They both quickly pulled me into a hug and I hugged them back, a few tears unwillingly slipping down my face. "I'll drive you to school. You certainly aren't walking alone after what the news said." Tatum announced. I gave a weak smile and nodded before the girls ushered me to the car.

I got in the backseat and Sidney and Tatum got in the front and soon we were off to school. Police cars and news vans were parked in every open spot there could possibly be and students seemed even more gathered outside than normal. I grabbed my bag and took a breath as we got out of the car. The girls ushered me towards the building but it wasn't long before one of the news reporters saw me and then they all gathered around us, yelling questions and shoving microphones at me.

"She's not answering questions." Tatum said firmly and helped to push us through the crowd. We finally got inside the building and I let out a breath.

"You okay, (Y/F/N)?" A male voice asked.

It's A Scream, Baby! |Billy Loomis X Reader X Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now