Chapter Three

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^Song referenced^


(Y/N)- Your Name
(F/E/F)- Favorite Easy Food


The rest of the classes were nothing special, mainly consisting of me having to introduce myself. I had a class with Tatum which was nice. It helped me settle into the new atmosphere and the new kids. She told me who to avoid and who was alright. Finally the bell rang, signaling the end of the last class and I was more than excited to get out of the school. I quickly walked to my locker and started to put up my textbooks, smiling when Sidney walked up to her locker not too long after.

"So how did your first day go?" She questioned curiously.

"Pretty good. Nothing too interesting. Just a lot of "tell me a fun fact about yourself". The stupid shit." I shrugged and put up an Algebra textbook. She laughed and nodded. It wasn't long after that Billy showed up by our lockers, for Sidney I assumed since they were dating. I didn't pay him much mind and finished my task of putting the books up before closing and locking the locker. Sidney did as well and we started walking out of the school. Tatum soon joined us on our walk as we exited the crowded school.

"I'm glad school's over. That shit was boring." I commented which made Sidney nod and Tatum laugh before nodding as well. I smiled and gripped the strap of my backpack as we walked. As we headed towards our houses Stu came up to us, seemingly out of nowhere, and handed Tatum and I dandelions. I took it and looked at the puffy ball on top of the stem.

"You know if you make a wish before blowing the little seeds off that it's supposed to make your wish come true." I teased before blowing on it and dispersing the little white fuzzies.

"What did you wish for, (Y/N)?" Stu asked.

"Can't tell or it won't come true." I teased causing him to pout dramatically. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I grabbed a piece of paper from my bag and scribbled down my number twice, handing one to Sidney and one to Tatum. "If you want to call I'll be free tonight." I said cheerfully and they smiled, taking the paper. "Call me, call me on the line, call me, call me any, anytime~" I sang quietly before laughing to myself.

We kept walking and soon enough I had to go the other direction of the group.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Don't hesitate to call!" I said, making a phone sign with my hand, and smiled before heading to my house. I felt eyes on me and turned back, catching Billy staring at me again only for him to avert his eyes quickly. It was almost exact to what had happened earlier. I brushed it off again and walked a little longer before heading into the house.

"How was school?" My mom eagerly asked. I gave her a soft smile and tapped my fingers against the strap of my backpack.

"Good. I made some friends so that was cool." She seemed ecstatic at the news.

"Oh I'm so happy! I was so worried you'd be alone today." She clasped her hands together as she spoke.

"Well no need to worry. I'm gonna go get started on my homework." I started to head to my room.

"I have a meeting I have to go to tonight for my new job. I probably won't be home 'til late. There's food in the fridge. I figured you could make yourself something." I nodded and she smiled. "Alright I'll be leaving in about ten minutes."

"Alright. I'll probably just be doing homework and relaxing so if you need me you can call." She nodded and I headed to my room, grabbing out my work and starting on it. There really wasn't too much to do which I was thankful for. 'Anything is better than homework.' I thought as the pencil scratched against the surface of the notebook paper.

After I finished my work I went to the kitchen to make some dinner, making something easy like (F/E/F). I watched television while I ate and then cleaned up.

"Alright, time for horror movies." I said excitedly to myself. It was already dark out which made the atmosphere perfect for a scary movie. I looked through the stack of movies I had and settled on Halloween. I had seen it a ton before but loved it anyways. I popped it in and started the movie, going to the kitchen to mame popcorn while the beginning part played since it wasn't anything too intense.

The phone suddenly rang and I went to answer it while the popcorn started to cook on the stove.


"Hey honey, this meeting is going to run pretty late and since it's a decent drive I'm just going to rent a hotel room and then come home after I sleep. Are you going to be okay by yourself?" My mom's voice echoed over the line.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I'm old enough to take care of myself." My tone was half playful and half serious. 'Sometimes it feels like she treats me like a baby.' I thought while twirling the cord of the phone around my finger.

"Alright, well, if you need anything you know my number." She seemed hesitant but didn't seem to have much of a choice when it came to leaving me alone.

"Yes mom. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and started to walk back to the kitchen when it rang again. "What does she want?" I mumbled, assuming my mom had forgotten to tell me something during the phone call.

"Yes mo-" I was cut off when a voice interrupted me. It was low and gravely, managing to send a shiver down my spine and for a moment I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

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