therapy with puffy

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whats poppin (also LOOK it looks like tommy cosplayed tubbo [and/or tweek lol])

maybe angst :O (are we surprised? no, its an angst book lol)

a/n: i've never been to therapy, i've only ever been to counselling (idrk if there's even a difference tbh LOL). if something is inaccurate to real life, i apologize, but i'll try and make an educated guess on how it would go in real life.

content/trigger warning: anxiety, ptsd (sort of? idk lol), crying, flashbacks


tommy bounced his leg up and down, nervous about his first therapy session. tommy loved captain puffy, so when he found out that puffy was becoming a therapist and opening a therapy office, tommy quickly booked an session.

tommy glanced around the waiting room he sat in, twiddling his fingers. he slouched his jittery arms over the back of a black leather couch which had a small glass table sitting beside it. a vase of flowers rested on the tables smooth surface. all along the walls were gorgeous paintings of all shapes and sizes, some were portraits, some were abstract, but all were beautiful.

a door that was across from tommy suddenly opened, revealing puffy. "hi, tommy!" puffy smiled, happy to see that tommy had showed up. once she saw that tommy had booked a session, she was happy for him, but she was also a little concerned that he might possibly bail on it.

tommy anxiously got up and followed puffy into her office, which was a quaint little room with fairly outdated flowery wallpaper. it didn't look modern or cool, but tommy almost liked that it wasn't like anything he had seen before.

as tommy walked into puffy's office, she gently shut the door and gave tommy a big smile. "tommy!" puffy happily said. "i'm happy to see that you came!"

tommy nervously hummed in acknowledgment and nodded his head. his body was starting to get tense and he could feel himself become even more shaky with nerves.

puffy sat tommy down in a comfortable looking couch while she went and sat behind her homey desk which was covered in all sorts of random and fun knick-knacks.

"so what brings you here to my humble little office today, tommy?" puffy said, bringing both of her hands up to her face and resting her chin on them. she was pretty certain she knew what was wrong due to the very public trauma that tommy had clearly induced, but she wanted to hear it from tommy anyways.

"well i- it's just- i don't know, i-" tommy stuttered, breath becoming increasingly more wobbly and panicky. he came here to get help but all he could do was get frightened by the questions he was being asked. he felt worthless in that moment, like he just couldn't do anything right.

"hey, hey, it's going to be okay. i won't hurt or judge you, tommy," puffy comforted. "just take some deep breaths okay? in....and out again. see? that can help!"

tommy felt some tension be released after he took several deep breaths. after a moment of silence, tommy spoke.

"you, um, can clearly see my mental state right now...." tommy quietly said, head hanging low.

puffy looked at tommy. "i totally understand, tommy. it's okay to be nervous, it's of course going to be hard for you to be here sometimes. but i hope you know that i am proud of you for making the decision to book an appointment with me anyways."

tommy said, dumbfounded by what puffy had just told him. nobody had ever said they were proud of him before. maybe once from wilbur, but does that really mean much anymore?

most of the time, people would get angry at tommy. "you're so loud and annoying," they would say, or, "all you care about are those stupid discs!" it hurt tommy badly. he cared about a lot of things but was afraid to show it because dream might be able to use that information against him to hurt what he loved the most.

"i-" tommy began. "thank you, puffy. that means a lot to me."

puffy smiled and tommy and her began to chat. it took a while for tommy to explain what was going on because he was so nervous, and he still had a lot more to say, but puffy was happy that tommy was able to open up about a few things.

puffy then asked tommy, "what scares you the most?"

tommy froze.


puffy immediately sensed tommy's extreme uneasiness. they had gotten so far, and now tommy was back in his anxious and worried state.

"i-...he does," tommy hastily wiped the small and fresh tears from his eyes with unsteady hands.

"tommy, you'll have to tell me who," puffy kindly said.

"oh, you know who! DREAM!" tommy suddenly choked out, now ignoring the tears streaming down his face. "he's so- so AWFUL and i just can't handle him, puffy, i can't do it, he's too powerful, i can't do it, i can't do it, i can't do it...."

you can't do it tommy, you can't beat me! you can't win! i'm DREAM, i will always prevail! you're NOTHING.



tommy shuddered as puffy took tommy in her arms and hugged him. tommy quietly cried into puffy's shoulder, apologizing continuously for causing a ruckus.

"i'm sorry, i shouldn't be crying, i'm supposed to be strong, i'm sorry..."

tommy calmed down and looked into puffy's eyes. puffy began, "tommy, NEVER apologize for feeling emotions. you are allowed to be scared, and you are allowed to cry."

she continued as tommy wiped his eyes again and sniffled. "i'm so proud of you for telling me these things tommy. you have come a long way from the kid i knew from l'manburg, and i hope you know that i love you and am very proud of you."

tommy nodded, drying his eyes once more. puffy got up from her chair when tommy looked at the time. his session was over, but he was happy that he had at least told someone something. a part of him regretted telling puffy anything at all, but tommy felt like he could trust her.

"thank you, puffy," tommy smiled a little, which made puffy smile a lot.

"come back soon, please! it would do only good things for you, tommy," puffy waved goodbye.

maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all?



this took me so long, i got stuck on some parts and of course easter happened so i was with family for a lot ofthe weekend.

thank you guys SO much for all the reads, it blows my mind how popular this is getting!!! seriously, yall are pog people-

drink water because i am thirsty and i say so :D -foot

word count: 1145 words

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