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oh hey again


content/trigger warnings: loneliness (? is that even a trigger lol)


"alright boys, time to end the stream!" i said, as i played the sad able sisters song for my outro. "sorry that tubbo couldn't make it like he was supposed to, not sure what happened! have a good day though, goodnight!"

truth be told, i was pretty mad, honestly just sad, that tubbo had ghosted me and stood me up. i couldn't tell the chat that he did that though, it would break their hearts. they're a fragile bunch.

i ended stream and my face immediately drooped. i had invited tubbo to be on my stream today, because it was a special stream where i would be playing bedwars, which i hadn't done in ages. he accepted and said that he would be there, only to not even show up or send me a dm or text message.

i glanced over to my phone which sat on my bedsheets. i stood up and hopped onto the covers a picked up my phone, to see that tubbo still hadn't dmed me. i sighed.

he's probably with stupid RANBOO again, i sadly thought. he spends way too much time with that fella. he's a bad influence, innit. all respectful and crap. no, no, i like ranboo, he's a good guy. well, is he? STOP. what am i saying?

in the back of my mind i knew i was just jealous. jealous that tubbo had other friends besides me. but the fact that tubbo had forgotten about me completely broke my heart.

quiet, gentle tears began to trickle down my now red cheeks. i lifted my phone up to my face while i wiped my wet eyes and began to type.

"tubbo? um, hey," i sniffled to myself, typing as i spoke. "what happened...? you said you would show up to be on my stream...."

no answer.

i'm alone, aren't i. nobody loves me. not even tubbo wants to hang out with me anymore.

i layed down on my bed for what felt like days. it was only a few hours, but time felt as if it were dragging on, pulling me into its never ending loop of sadness.

i finally looked over to the clock.

2:45am. oh man. i need to sleep.

so i slept.


i woke up the next day at 12:23 in the afternoon. "jeez, that's way too late!" i muttered. agh, what's the point in getting out of bed anyways, i have nothing to do. no-one to see. nobody to talk to.



still in bed, i looked over at my phone. 

ranboo?  ranboo called me 4 times. somehow i missed all of them while laying silent and dejected in my bed.

i groaned quietly and rang him again, feeling bad that i missed his calls. i really did like ranboo, i just got so jealous of his friendship with tubbo that it sometimes blinded me.

"hello?" his deep voice answered.

"hey, ranboo," i began. "i'm sorry i missed your calls, i've been in bed and not looking at my phone. what's up?" my voice shook slightly as i spoke, i was still sorrowful after yesterday.

ranboo paused. "are you alright? you sound concerned. drink some water maybe?"

"no, um- i'm fine." i lied. "seriously though, what's goin' on?"

"oh! right!" i could hear ranboo smile over the discord call. "tubbo contacted me through his mom's cell number. his internet shut down completely and his data is broken. he had to text my mom through his mom's phone, that's why he's been inactive. originally i asked him why he wanted me to tell you this instead of telling you himself, but he doesn't have your parents numbers and had nobody to get ahold of but me."

ranboo continued. "i tried to contact you as soon as i heard, but you wouldn't answer and pick up my calls. i guess you were still sleeping?"

i stayed silent, then let out a huge sigh of relief. " he didn't abandon me...?" i quietly squeaked to ranboo.

ranboo let out a sound of surprise. "what? no, of course not! tubbo wouldn't do that!"

"i thought tubbo didn't like me anymore. i thought he left me to hangout with- well, you," i nervously admitted.

"aww," ranboo quietly chuckled. "it's okay to feel that way. just know that tubbo loves you and would never, EVER, just abandon you like that. 

i smiled with relief. it's nice to have someone affirm you that you aren't alone.

ranboo isn't that bad.


alright that sucked and i hate it but i feel bad for not posting a story in ages lol

sorry it's short, i normally like to make these longer but i'm rushed and i'm tired HAHA

word count: 856 words

also i have nowhere to post this but guys look i made art!! :D i gave up on the shirt bc it's not important anyways lol. idk what's goin on with the hair but i refuse to watch tutorials bc they are long and boring and i don't the attention span for that LOL

 idk what's goin on with the hair but i refuse to watch tutorials bc they are long and boring and i don't the attention span for that LOL

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