<chapter 4>

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Next morning, I woke up thinking off Luke. WHY GOD? I sighed and got ready but then I checked the time. "SHIT" I shouted, I overslept on first period. I quickly wore some grey joggers, a black crop top and my black and white air Jordan and ran to school. On my way there, I put on mascara and lipgloss. I quickly ran to school and headed in English lesson which was already started. "Miss Molina, how nice of you to join us" ms. Hiller said and I sighed, "I overslept, I am sorry" I said meaning it and he nodded continuing the lesson. I sat next to Flynn, "Good morning" she said and smiled, "I am so tireddd" I answered groaning, "Wanna get coffee at lunch?" she asked and I nodded, "Aww is princess tired?" I heard Luke saying from behind me and I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that" I answered without looking at him, "Just don't pay attention to him" I heard another guy whisper to me and I turned around to see him, I've seen him around, I think his name is Nick.

"Don't tell her what to do" Luke snapped at Nick, "Then don't be a dick" the blonde guy answered and I sighed, "Both of you relax" I replied just wanting the conversation to end, they gave each other a glare and continued with the lesson.

After the lesson ended, I stood up and started heading out of the class when I felt Luke pumping into me on purpose, "Watch where you are going" he said in a cold tone and left the classroom. "He is probably jealous" Flynn said as we walked outside, "Of what" I asked confused and she rolled her eyes, "Luke has a crush on you, stupid!" Flynn shouted and I shut her mouth with my hand, "First of all, keep your voice down. Secondly, that's not true. It's just that last night we talked about our lives and I thought he would stop acting like that" I said looking down," Don't let him break your heart" Flynn said and before I could answer her brother, Alex ran to us. "Flynn, my dearest sister, that I love so so so much" he started and Flynn rolled her eyes, "What do you want?" Flynn asked Alex and I chuckled.

"Okay so our parents will be out of town tonight and I'll throw a party at our house so if mom or dad asks you something just say that the boys will come" he said and Flynn nodded, "Can Julie join?" she asked and he nodded with a smile, "Why not just be careful" Alex told me and I nodded, "Sounds good" I answered and Alex waved goodbye leaving. "Girl, we'll have so much funnn" Flynn said happily and I joined her, "I've never been to a party before" I replied, "Then get ready to get wasted" she told me and I laughed.

The rest of the day went by normal despite the glares I was getting from Luke. School ended and it was cold outside now, why did I have to forget my jacket? I walked on the yard and it started raining. Great, I thought. "Need a ride?" I heard someone saying from behind me, I turned around and saw Nick. I guess I didn't have another choice since Flynn already left. "No, I'll take her" I heard someone else say, the one and only Luke Patterson.

He is everywhere Jesus. "Relax Patterson I asked her first" Nick said, "Well we literally live on the same place so I think we won't need you" Luke said coming close to me as the rain was getting us both wet. "Luke, stop" I said to him and he looked me in the eyes mad. "Get in" he commanded and I rolled my eyes, "Whatever" I answered and sat on the passenger's seat in his black jeep. He sat on the driver's seat and wiped his face from the water, "Are you cold?" he asked and I shook my head despite the fact that I was freezing, I didn't want to admit it.

"Yeah sure" he said in a sarcastic tone and turned on the heater. "wear this" he said in a softer tone now and handed me a black hoodie that he had on the back of his car and I nodded. "Turn around" I said and he faced the other way. I took off my now wet top and bra and wore his hoodie. It looked more than a dress on me. "Okay now" I said and he turned around, "I- umh- you look nice" he commented and I smiled shyly. He started driving and I was looking outside. "You shouldn't talk to that Nick guy" Luke announced, "And why is that Ms jealous boy?" I asked teasingly, "You know I am not jealous but he is just a stupid simp jerk" he replied making fun of him. "Like you are any better" I answered in a sarcastic tone. "Umh, hell yeah I am, have you seen me?" he asked frowning, "And have you seen him?" he asked and I nodded, "And you still think you can compare us?" he asked confused and I nodded, "Yeah, yeah I do. So, don't get your hopes up for yourself" I replied and he rolled his eyes annoyed.

We finally got home and I went to my room. I changed all my clothes but kept on the hoodie because it kept me cold... no other reason.

I did my homework. Yes, I know it's Friday but I like to have my weekend free. After I finished, I sat on my window and thought of what I'll wear at the party tonight, I looked over at Luke's room and saw a girl, a blonde one, and they were making out on his bed. I know I don't like him but still it hurt for some weird reason, I got back inside to avoid this image next to me and sat on my bed. "Hey" I heard Luke saying as he climbed through my window into my room, "You need to stop doing that, what if I was naked?" I aske raising my eyebrows, "Even better" he answered with a smirk.

"Where are you going?" he asked pointing at all the clothes on my bed, "Alex's house" I answered simply, "What the fuck? No. it's a party. People will drink and do other stuff, you can't come" he announced and I rolled my eyes, "Well my friend is his sister so they asked me if I could join, and I will so get out I want to change" I said pointing on the window. "Don't come back running to me when something happens" he said standing up and I sighed, "Piss off" I answered, "oh and Jules, nice hoodie" he said playfully and gave me a wink which made me blush. After that he returned to his room and I started getting ready.

serious stuff are about to happen at the party... get ready for drama<3

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