<chapter 16>

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Hey bestiessss

I woke up feeling a warm body pressed against mine. "Mmmmhh" I groaned-moaned and opened my eyes softly only finding Luke hugging me tight while sleeping. I checked the clock on the other side of the room. 7am. Why am I even awake right now? It was still cold outside and Luke basically threw the whole blanket down while we were sleeping. He is more the kind of sleep talk and always moving sleeper. 

I pushed him away softly to grab the blanket. "Come backkk" he groaned and I sighed, "I am cold" I explained and pointed on the blanket on the floor. "Get back, I'll grab it" he commanded and I nodded tired. I laid again and he stood up grabbing the white blanket only in his boxers. 

He got back on bed and covered us with the blanket again taking me in his hug. "Go back to sleep" he told me tired and I sighed closing my eyes again. He was back asleep again but I couldn't fall asleep again. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling on tiktok while my head was on his chest. I saw a really hot boy and decided to stalk his profile on tiktok. 

"Who the hell is that?" Luke asked and I jumped, "How long have you been awake?" I asked him closing my phone quickly. "Enough to see you stalking shirtless boys. You understand you are fucking 15 right?!" he shouted and I laughed. "Yeah, but when you touch me and make out with me just because you are horny it's okay that I am 15" I questioned and he rolled his eyes. "I take care of you, it's not the same. " he explained in a mad tone, "You are not my dad" I replied and he smirked, "Wouldn't mind If you ever called me daddy though" he joked and I threw a pillow at him blushing. He laughed. "You horny bastard" I said laughing and he lifted me up and made me sit on his lap earning a giggle from me. 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him and looked down, he nodded and I took a deep breath. "Do you like... I don't know, date?" I asked in hope to talk about what we have, our thing. "Not really my style" he answered and I nodded sad, "Why?" he asked and lifted my chin up softly. "I thought it was different" I explained annoyed and he made a confused look. "I don't understand? We are having fun like that why should we label ourselves?" He asked confused  and I looked away mad. "Never mind. Forget that we talked about this" I told him and stood up. "Where are you going?" he asked and stood up. "Why should I stay here? It's not like there is something between us, right?" I asked him sarcastically and made my way to leave.

I felt his hands on my waist. "Do you want me to be like your boyfriend or something?" he asked returning the same annoyed energy and I rolled my eyes. "Why would I want that?" I just literally lied to myself. "Lie lie lie" he repeated and I groaned. I grabbed my shorts and decided to put them on so I can leave the asshole.

I felt his hands picking me up and throwing me on the bed. "What are yo-" I started but got cut off by his lips against mine. He spread my legs and got between them still kissing me hungrily. Fuck, why does he has that kind of effect on me? "Luke..." I moaned as he kissed my neck, "Don't try to walk away from me again" he whispered to my ear and kissed my jaw leaving hickeys there. I didn't really care what was happening, I wanted him. He looked me in the eyes and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, "I am sorry, I like you, I really do, but I've never felt like that like ever so I don't know how to act?" he explained blushing and I smiled, "I like you too, and maybe we can start with a date or something?" I requested and he smiled, "Yeah we can try" he replied and I pecked on his lips, "But no more making out to make me shut up" I commanded and he smirked, "Yeah like you don't like it" he replied and I rolled my eyes. "Your panties says otherwise" he joked smirking and I blushed, "Oh shut up"

This was a short one but I didn't have inspiration.

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