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Hayden's POV

Not only did I go back to the underground the next day but I also came back to not seeing the bartender from last time.

I could assume that it was due to what I witnessed but it could also be because of something else.

I can't focus on that right now. I have to focus on the mafia ball coming up soon. Most specifically in 3 weeks.

I have been training harder and I've been digging more holes then I would have wanted.

My families death is still beyond a mystery.

But I have a few leads.

At least that's what I'm reassuring myself.

They definitely did have ties to the Italian mafia but they had even more ties with the Russians.

The Russians and the Italian seem to be having a good allied relationship from what I've seen.

Is something missing?

Something definitely is missing. From selling weapons, transporting them, ordering them, and delivering them to them suddenly ending up dead?

Not only that but Rudy trying to cover it up?

Something isn't right.

I sit back at the same spot I had the other night and just watched the fight figuring out the techniques of the other fighters.

It was a slow night again but there has been a bit of a commotion due to the ball being in a few weeks.

I had ordered my drink and turned back to the fight but it was a bit boring to say the least. I decided to do a quick scan of the crowd and it was nothing wrong in particular.

When I looked up at the stairs where the balcony's are at I see that mom of the big dogs are around rather just their men.

Although someone did catch my eyes. That certain person was hiding by the shadows talking with someone.

"You Can tell that one of the fighters seem to be fighting with feelings rather then a plan" the voice says coming from next to me.

I turn my attention back to the fight not bothering to face the person seeing as I already knew who it was.

The fighter that they had bright in did fight just based on emotion. Their hits were sloppy and I'm surprised that the other fighter didn't catch it either.

Probably due to him fighting without strategy either. It can also be due to the stamina that the other guy has. He is quick.

This fight will be over in no time.

"The fight will be over soon" Thalia then says as if voicing my thoughts.

With one last hit and the other guy was down. Although the fight was sloppy you have to give the guy some props for being quick on his feet.

"I am surprised that you are here" I finally say to Thalia.

"Why is that?"she says and I half smiled.

"I noticed that you skip a few certain days when you come here before reappearing again" I say and she raises her eyebrows in surprise.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase, rookie" Thalia says coldly after a while of silence.

She sets her drink down and comes in front of me too much for my liking until she was next to my ear.

"Whatever you are looking for-" she says then looking at me in my eyes as her hands rest in my shoulders. "Don't piss off the Russians too much when looking for the answers" She finish is giving me a tight squeeze on my shoulder.

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