Ash's POV:
"Ash wake up now!" Poppy yelled from the kitchen.
'Why must she torture me' I thought to myself as I dragged myself out of bed and to my bathroom. As I am washing my face I look into the mirror and stare at myself. I see the same face I have seen for the past 312 years, I look about 17 or 18 but in actuality I am 329. My eyes have turned cold in their silvery depths do to my lack of emotion to any one. I smile to myself knowing anyone who dares look into them will be frozen in place.
"Sucks to be you." I mumble to my refection think of those poor humans.
"Ash!! Get down here NOW!" Poppy yelled again.
I groaned in annoyance and went down stairs to the kitchen. When I walk in I see Poppy walking around humming and James sitting on the bar stool reading a book. James looks up and smirks seeing that I am not fully awake yet and he knows how agitated I am anytime before 10:30 in the morning. Then Poppy shoves my breakfast at me and sits next to James. I down the blood Poppy handed me in three gulps and toss the cup in the sink and plop down across from them. We sit quietly for all of two minutes before Poppy turns her head to me.
"You better not do what I know your planning to do to that poor girl Jamie. Cause she has done nothing to you and if you won't except her as your soulmate, you should just leave her alone." She says to me.
I roll my eyes at her.
"I said that she couldn't be my soulmate not that I would not except her. I just want mess with her to see if she can handle me. But you need to promise to stay out of this, I want to do this my way." I replied
"But your going to make her hate you." Poppy started to protest but James cut her off by saying.
"Let him. It's his problem if she hates him not ours." Then he turned to me, "You are going to regret doing this you know that right?"
I just snorted and headed for the door. Once I was outside I walked over to my car and got in. I just sat there for a while and then decided it was time to go to school. While driving a plan formed in my head on what I would do to Jamilynn today.
(Jamilynn's POV)
"Ughhhhhh!" I groaned as we pulled up to school.
The whole way here Suzie had not stopped talking about the new guy James and how hot he was. I swear all she thinks about is clothes, cheer leading, and boys. But the way she talked about James was as if they were going to get married, it's was just weird. So I jumped out of the car and practically ran over to where Heath was and plopped down with a sigh. Heath bumped my shoulder with his and said,
"What's up Spears, you look as if you were being held against your will by the boogie man."
I rolled my eyes at him and just pointed to my sister and he nodded his head in understanding. Then I felt that feeling of someone watching you and I turned around to see that guy Ash standing by his car looking straight at me. When our eyes met he smirked and waved over at me, shocked by this I just stared at him. Then he started to walking towards me and Heath. When he got to our table he sat down right across from me and looked over at Heath. Heath, being the dork he is, mumbled something about football practice and left.
'Traitor' I thought to myself.
Then I noticed Ash was staring at me and I was making me uncomfortable so I snapped at him saying,
"What do you want?"
He smiled at me and said,
"Your a feisty one aren't you."
"No, I just don't like it when random guys stare at me." I retorted.
"Aww, I am hurt. I am not some random guy and I was only staring cause I was trying to figure out how to say what I am about to tell you." He said back to me.
"Well hurry I have to get to class." I said impatiently.
"Well to put it nicely I have decided that I going to make your life hell just because I am bored." He said sweetly.
I just stared at him after that. Who in the hell did this guy think he was? You cannot just go up to someone and say something like that its just not right. Then I got really angry.
"Really, your going to make my life hell, well watch out mister because I sure as heck ain't going down without a fight. If you think I'll make it easy for you, you got another thing coming." I hissed at him and with that I stood up and stalked to my first class.
Which he was in too. Great for me the psycho is in my class. Yay! This is going to be an interesting school year.
(Ash POV)
That went well I thought to myself as she stormed off. I never would have thought my soul mate would have so much spunk. I wondered to myself what evil plot she was coming up with to take me down. I smirked as I walked the universe could have not picked a better mate for me.
"Are you insane?!" I hear Poppy shout through our mind link.
"What?" I reply innocently.
"Why in the world did you say that to her? You do realize that she meant it when she said she was going to fight back. She could figure it out that we are vampires and expose us just to get even with you!" She thought back hysterically.
"Poppy calm down I won't let that happen I just wanna see how far she is willing to take this. Relax." I stated calmly.
"If you screw this up I am going to hunt you down and tie you up. Then let Jamie-" she started to rant before I shut the mind link off.
Jeez Poppy needs to chill out. I thought as I sat down in my seat and look over to where Jamie sat with her friends. She saw me looking and glared at me making her electric blue eyes menacing looking. I felt a small shiver of shock to see that she already was starting to play my game of hate and love. Maybe I really shouldn't play with her I thought. But who am I kidding I can never turn down a good game with anyone. Plus now the one person who is suppose to be able to handle me is playing against me. This is going to be a fun year.

I am so not, scared of you. (Night World Spin Off)
VampiriMy name is Jamilynn Rae Carter, my mom and brothers died when I was four and I was sent to live with my father, whom I had never met before. Now twelve years later, I live in Los Angeles with my new brothers Mark and Colton and sister Suzie. My dad...