Chapter-5 (Summer Camp)

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Let's skip to the Time when Dawn enter Serena's dorm.

Dawn - hey Serena,

Serena - hi dawn, what's up

Dawn - hey, I don't want to waste my time, I came here to do the main as per talked in school .

Serena - OK chill first settle down

They both sat on the couch

Dawn- OK now start

Serena - so from where do I start

Dawn- calm down and then tell

Serena - so the story starts like this, It all begans here, in this quite town know as pallet town, prof. Oak was hosting his annual Summer camp, at first I was hesitant about coming here. My mother told me it would be a great opportunity, little did I know my life was about to change forever.

I will never forget these words. 'Never give úp until the very end" Ash taught me. I have been in love with him ever since we were kids. You might say it was love at first sight, it's the story of those days.

On that day, I knew I met, someone truly special. Fate had brought us together and the fires of love began to ignite. This was only the beginning.


Serena's POV

I was with my group wondering around the forest. Suddenly I heard a rustle near the bushes, I went near to it to discover if I can see something interesting. When I was near the bush, then a Gasley came out giving me a scary look. I got scared and started running as fast as I can without knowing where I was going because I'm scared of ghost Pokemons. After sometime I stopped and started looking around. Later I found myself lost in the forest all alone. I started to get worried. I started to walk around in hope that I could spot someone.

Serena -'Where am I, where is everyone ' 'They all left me alone that why I didn't wanted to come here ', started crying

Serena screams - MUMMY!!!!!!

Rustling from the bushes

Serena - huh! Who is there

??- poliwag poliwag,' I then trips back hurting her knee

Serena screams - someone please help me!!!!

Another rustling from the bushes

Serena - huh! Whose there, maybe this time it's a huge and dangerous pokemon who will eat me.

I closeed my eyes, tears falling down my cheeks. Then a cute and certain raven haired boy came out from the bushes.

?? - poliwag huh!......................hey who are you and what are you doing at the middle of the forest

Serena - I hurt my knee

?? - don't worry, I can help

He pull out his handkerchief and tie it around my knees

?? - and all done

I tried to get up but failed

Serena - it still hurts

?? - OK now see, pain pain go away come to me some other day

I tried but again failed

Serena - nothing happened

?? - never give up until its over key! Now stand up

He offers his hand to me and I accepted. Then he pulled me up but I end up hugging him.

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